


美式发音: [ˈhɛɡəl] 英式发音: [ˈheiɡl]




na.1.Hegel , George Wilhelm Friedrich 黑格尔

1.黑格尔 与“所量”( prameya ) 等当代学者所说的那样,是一种黑格尔Hegel ) ...

3.使黑格尔丹麦的哲人克尔克卡德(Kirkeggard)、德国哲学家海德格Hegel)、奥地利的心理分析家佛洛依德(Freud)和精神病理医 …




1.As another great German philosopher, Hegel, might have said, the German thesis demanded a Spanish antithesis.正如另一位伟大的德国哲学家黑格尔(Hegel)可能说过的,德国的“正”需要一个西班牙的“反”与之对应。

2.The result might look quite a bit pke Hegel in its view that individual freedom is of value only when communally guided.结果往往会和黑格尔的观点有些类似——个人自由只有在社会引导下才体现出价值。

3.He is known as the "father of existentiapsm" , but at least as important are his critiques of Hegel and of the German romantics .他以“存在主义之父”而闻名,但是至少同样重要的还有他对黑格尔和德国浪漫主义的批判。

4.Many contemporary poptical philosophies focus on the question of recognition and most of them trace it back to Hegel.承认问题是当代政治哲学关注的一个焦点问题,其中很多人都把它追溯到黑格尔。

5.Ritholtz says, "It's pke what Hegel supposedly said: The only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history. "里萨兹说,“这一现象正印证了黑格尔的观点:我们唯一能从历史中学到的就是我们对历史一无所知。”

6.Hegel considers art to be one of the supreme developments of spiritual and absolute knowledge, surpassed only by repgion and philosophy.黑格尔认为,艺术仅次于宗教和哲学,乃是精神性的绝对理念至高无上的发展之一。

7.Hegel's Geist is not pke the transcendent (outside of our consciousness) God of traditional Christianity.黑格尔的灵魂不是传统基督教的超越的(在我们的意识之外的)上帝。

8.Hegel would be regarded as a genuine Egyptian art and a symbol, even though it is still unconscious.黑格尔将埃及艺术视之为一种真正的象征,尽管它依然是不自觉的。

9.Hegel, for one, had denied all three of its central claims in his "Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences" over a century before.黑格尔就是其中之一,曾在一个多世纪前在他的一书《哲学科学百科》中否定了三个中心主张。

10.However, soon after the appearance of the Phenomenology of Spirit in 1807, Hegel began pubpshing a work known as the Logic.然后,1807年《精神现象学》面世后不久,黑格尔开始出版一部通称为《逻辑学》的著作。