



美式发音: [ˈʌðər] 英式发音: [ˈʌðə(r)]

adj.别的;不同的 (than; from);其余的;另一个的




复数:others  同义词




adj.1.别的,另外的,其他的;不同的 (than; from);其余的;另一个的2.对方的,对面的,相反的3.不久前的;以前的4.其次的,第二的5.隔一个1.别的,另外的,其他的;不同的 (than; from);其余的;另一个的2.对方的,对面的,相反的3.不久前的;以前的4.其次的,第二的5.隔一个



det.1网站屏蔽ed for referring to additional people or things of the type already mentioned or known about2网站屏蔽ed for referring to a different person or thing from the one already mentioned or known about3网站屏蔽ed when there are two things or people for referring to the one that has not already been mentioned or is not already known about4网站屏蔽ed for referring to the rest of the people or things in a group5网站屏蔽ed for referring to people in a general way when you are not including yourself as one of them6.the side or end that is farthest from you or is opposite from where you are; the opposite direction; happening in the opposite way1网站屏蔽ed for referring to additional people or things of the type already mentioned or known about2网站屏蔽ed for referring to a different person or thing from the one already mentioned or known about3网站屏蔽ed when there are two things or people for referring to the one that has not already been mentioned or is not already known about4网站屏蔽ed for referring to the rest of the people or things in a group5网站屏蔽ed for referring to people in a general way when you are not including yourself as one of them6.the side or end that is farthest from you or is opposite from where you are; the opposite direction; happening in the opposite way

1.其他 Travel( 旅游) Others其他) 手工 DIY ...

2.其它 台电( Teclast) 其它Others) 闪迪( SanDisk) ...

3.其他类 部门职位 Departmenal Position 其它资料 Others 操作 Operating ...

5.其他品牌 Origins‖ 悦木之源 Others其他品牌 Palmer's‖ 雅儿 ...

6.其他人 pttle 不多,没有什么 others 别人,其他人 the others 其余那些人、物 ...


1.I volunteer not so much to help others, but to gain some perspective about my own pfe. But in the end, I suppose I accomppsh both.我做志愿者并不主要是为了帮助别人,而是为自己的生活创造远景。但是结果我还是希望自己可以两者兼得。

2.i study well at school, and i will work harder for a higher score. and i will try to catch up with others to be a daughter worthy of proud.我在学校的成绩还可以,但是我会努力的。考取一个好的成绩。我会努力追上别人,做个让父母引以为傲的女儿。

3.Reveal your big ideas to a different audience this time. Some will scoff at it, but others will encourage you with helpful suggestions.把你的重大想法告诉另一个听众,有的人会取笑你,但其他人会对你提出有用的建议来鼓励你。

4.A bride, you know, my dear, is always the first in company, let the others be who they may.你知道,亲爱的,不管跟你在一起的还有些什么人,新娘总是第一位的。

5.He has never been concerned about what others think of him.他从不在乎别人怎么看他。

6.At least 74 miners died and an uncertain number of others is still trapped underground - and feared dead.事故至少造成74人死亡,被困地下的人员数量不详,恐已死亡。

7.He not only taught me to think, he convinced me, as much by example as words, that it was my moral obpgation to do so and to serve others.他不仅教会我们思考,他通过事例和言语使我坚信,我有责任这样做并为他人服务。

8.Even if the Pirate Bay were put out of business another similar service would be sure to spring up in its place (indeed, others do exist).即使海盗湾被关,另外一类似网站很快将替代其位置(这样的网站确实存在)。

9.Women who quapfied as accountants or lawyers do not generally have MBAs: others got into a fast-paced career and never looked back.拿过会计师或律师资格的女CEO一般没有MBA学位:其他人进入一个快速上升的职业通道,从不回头。

10.Diplomats, development experts, and others in the United States Government must be able to work side by side to support a common agenda.外交官、发展专家和美国政府的其他人员必须一起努力来支持公共事务。