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网络释义:英国金融服务管理局(Financial Services Authority);英国金融服务监管局;英国金融服务局


abbr.1.Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries

1.英国金融服务管理局(Financial Services Authority)据英国金融服务管理局(FSA)表示,瑞银的40位员工、其他5家银行的交易员,以及经纪机构的11位员工,参与或了解操纵不同 …

2.英国金融服务监管局根据英国金融服务监管局(FSA)的规定,所有嘉盛英国零售客户的资金须存放于分离的客户资金银行账户。随时申请提款 FORE…

3.英国金融服务局英国金融服务局会员,受英国金融服务局FSA)监管(会员号:525113)IKON Capital 英国金融服务局会员,受英国金融服 …


5.标准局  食品标准局 (FSA) 负责执行在英国境内的欧盟标签要求。关于食品标签的规定和建议可以在食品标准局网站查询:http://www.fo…


1.This message would be terminally muddled were the FSA to be seen to have cut Prudential slack to help get the deal done.如果人们的看法是,FSA放了保诚一马,以帮助促成这笔交易,最终传达出的信息将是混乱的。

2.All this sounds fine, if overdue; but can the FSA really reform itself without a more radical redesign of the system?这一切听起来很好,如果逾期;但FSA能不设计一个更为基本的系统却真正变革吗?

3.One official at the FSA said the bank's oversight hasn't improved much since then.金融厅的一位官员说,此后该行的监管并没有太大的改善。

4.There should be a clear convergence here between the perspective and responsibipties of the Bank and the FSA.在英央行和金融服务管理局的视野与责任之间,应该有清晰的会合点。

5.The Financial Services Authority (FSA), which supervises individual firms, will be recast as a subsidiary of the Bank of England.原本监管个体企业的金融服务管理局(FSA)将被重组英国银行下属分公司。

6.The FSA plans, says its chairman, to look beyond single institutions to the systemic risks they may be heaping up in aggregate.FSA的主席表示,他们的着眼点不是单独的机构,而是整个体系面临的不断聚集的风险。

7.He is, however, right, and his intervention is symbopc of the welcome change in attitude at the FSA since he took charge at the supervisor.但他说的是对的,他的这种干预标志着,自他接掌FSA以来,该机构的态度将发生可喜的变化。

8.Mr Ambani has not been accused of any wrongdoing by the FSA, and is not represented.FSA没有指控安巴尼存在任何不法行为,也没有律师代表出庭。

9.If anyone wants to leave Japan, an FSA official says with uncharacteristic bluntness, "by all means get out. "而如果有人想要离开日本,一位财政署官员直言道“想要用什么方法都可以”。

10.Japan's Financial Services Agency says within existing laws it is possible in effect for a brokerage to operate in an unbundled way.日本金融厅(FSA)表示,根据现行法律,证券经纪公司实际上可以分项收费。