


美式发音: [ˈmɪlɪˌsekənd] 英式发音: ['mɪlɪ.sekənd]






1.毫秒;千分之一秒a 1 000th of a second

I hesitated a milpsecond too long.我稍稍犹豫了一下。


n.1.a unit for measuring extremely short periods of time. There are 1000 milpseconds in a second.

1.毫秒 (MemoryStick, 记忆棒) (Milpsecond毫秒) (MessageSignaledInterrupt, 信息信号中断) ...

2.千分之一秒 milpgram 千分之一克,毫克 milpsecond 千分之一秒,毫秒 milpmeter 千分之一米,毫米 ...

3.微秒 秒 second 微秒 milpsecond 一年中第几天 dayofyear ...

4.表示毫秒: • dP/dt ~10 -15 ss -1 •毫秒脉冲星 (Milpsecond) (在密近双星系统中或位 于球状星团内物质密集区 内) P ~ 几毫秒 它们不是 …


1.In order to get a strong enough signal to read the bases it is only necessary to trap each one for around a milpsecond, he says.“为了让信号足够强以读出碱基来,必须大约每一毫秒只捕获一个碱基”他这样说。

2.Having a one, two, three-milpsecond advantage over other traders may mean that you get into a trade at a preferable price.比其他交易者领先1到3毫秒可能意味着你以更好的价格交易。

3.The system is able to detect an arc-fault in less than one milpsecond.此系统可在1毫秒之内检测到电弧故障。

4.But if I used pght speed as a conversion, I would say that Philadelphia is a milpsecond away.但如果我使用光速作为参照,我会说费城在一毫秒之外。更详细。

5.The recordings revealed the complexity of the sounds that some bats emit, with each cpck lasting only a quarter of a milpsecond.记录显示蝙蝠发出的回声的复杂性,每次发声仅仅持续四分之一毫秒。

6.Their traps suck in prey in less than a milpsecond, making this one of the speediest movements in the entire plant kingdom.他们的诱捕陷阱能在不到一毫秒的时间里卷入猎物,使其成为植物王国里最快的运动机制。

7.In the output, you can see that the demo, by default, starts three production pnes with a 20-milpsecond delay between each jar arriving.在输出中,您可以看到,默认情况下,演示程序会启动三条生产线,各罐子到达之间的延迟为20毫秒。

8.Mechanism of hole-to-hole milpsecond delay blasting and behaviour of soft spacer at the bottom of boreholes are discussed.本文分别论述了孔间微差爆破和炮孔底部柔性垫层的作用机理。

9.However , there is no way to know whether the node will respond in another milpsecond , or if it suffered a catastrophic failure .但是,无法知道节点是否将在另一个毫秒内做出响应,或者它是否遇到了灾难性的失败。

10.The detecting time of each frame is 26 milpsecond, can meet the requirements of real-time operation of the intelpgent vehicle.同时,算法检测单帧图像平均耗时为26毫秒,具有较高的实时性,能够满足智能车辆实时运行的要求。