




1.高科技公司 in any case adv. 无论如何 high-tech company 高科技公司 adv. 无论如何(程度副词) ...

2.高新技术企业 ... 六、高新技术企业 VI. High-tech company 七、软件和集成电路企业 VII. Software and Integrated Circuit Compan…


1.The man was an engineer at a high-tech company with a salary good enough to afford him a motorbike and a laptop computer.男人曾是一家高科技公司的工程师,他的薪水足够负担他的摩托车和便携式电脑。

2.Media companies may have to swallow hard before tethering their futures to any high-tech company, let alone Apple.媒体公司们在将它们的未来绑定于任何高科技公司之前也许还不得不忍气吞声,更别说苹果公司了。

3.Besides, the phenomenon of national IT enterprise psting overseas is due to its private particularity as High-tech Company.此外,国内IT企业选择海外上市,还缘于其作为高科技企业自身的特殊性。

4.Investors in a high-tech company "guanhua" inspection of the Office of the Board of Directors for record keeping purposes.投资者可在公司「冠豪高新董事会办公室」查阅上述备查文件。

5.High-tech company NEC has come up with a device that it says will allow users to communicate with people of different languages.据发明这款眼镜的日本高科技公司NEC(日本电气公司)称,这款眼镜可以让使用者与说不同语言的人进行交流。

6.A: It's summer time, time for internships, if you intern into a high tech company it could really pay off.暑假里,正是实习的好时间,如果你进了一个高科技公司,它将会给你好的报酬。

7.ConfirmWare Technology (Hangzhou) Incorporated is an American invested high tech company founded by oversees Chinese scholars.康奋威科技(杭州)有限公司是一家由海外留学人员创办的美国独资高科技企业。

8.Yesterday I visited a small, but growing, high tech company run by engineers turned entrepreneurs who showed me two examples of their work.我昨天拜访问了一个小型的,但是正在成长的高技术公司。这个公司由曾经是工程师的企业家所经营,他们向我介绍了其研发工作的两个实例。

9.With high-tech company and scientific research units' osculation cooperation obtain strong technology support for company.与高科技企业和科研院所密切配合为公司获得了强大的技术支持。

10.Chengdu Maxel Technology Ltd. is a newly founded high-tech company focusing on IT professional service solution and value added service.成都迈盛科技有限公司是专注于IT专业服务解决方案和增值业务的高技术公司。