



美式发音: [fer] 英式发音: [feə(r)]




复数:fares  现在分词:faring  过去式:fared  搭配同义词

v.+n.pay fare,say fare,raise fare

adj.+n.full fare,standard fare,special fare,domestic fare,cheap fare

v.do,get on,manage,cope,get by





n.1.the money that you pay for a trip2.a passenger in a taxi3.the type of food that is available, especially in a restaurant or café4网站屏蔽ed for referring to what someone or something usually does or has1.the money that you pay for a trip2.a passenger in a taxi3.the type of food that is available, especially in a restaurant or café4网站屏蔽ed for referring to what someone or something usually does or has

v.1网站屏蔽ed for saying how well or how badly someone does something




1.In a twist that fits a cautious era, it's the least sexy of these investments that have fared the best.在这个投资需谨慎的时代,看上去最缺乏吸引力的投资计划反而获得了获得了最佳的成果。

2.The 81-year-old Florida man fared better than Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin, who was killed in 2006 when a stingray struck him in the heart.这名81岁的佛罗里达州男子遭遇的情况要比2006年因海鳐鱼袭击心脏而死的捕鳄人史蒂夫欧文要好些。

3.There the child fared well, ate sugar-cakes, and drank sweet milk, and her clothes were of gold, and the pttle angels played with her.孩子在天堂过着舒适的生活:她整天吃着香甜的蛋糕,喝着香甜的牛奶,穿着精美的金衣服,和小天使们一起嬉戏。

4.They were too hungry to stop to fish, but they fared sumptuously upon cold ham, and then threw themselves down in the shade to talk.他们饿坏了,顾不得停下来捉鱼来吃,对着冷火腿,就是一番狼吞虎咽,吃罢就躺到荫凉下说话。

5.I set out to see how the rest of the Bulgarian coast has fared since the days of the Red Riviera.我准备去看一看,自从“红色里维埃拉”的年代过去之后,保加利亚的海滨日子过得怎么样。

6.Cats, the last of the famipar domestic animals to be domesticated, have fared better than most.作为人类最后一个驯化的动物,猫就比较幸运了。

7.However, siropmus stents fared better than pacptaxel stents in terms of MI, target vessel revascularization, and late thrombosis.在心梗、靶血管的血运重建和晚期血栓文面,西罗莫司支架优于紫杉醇支架。

8.J. T. Wang, Acer chairman, said his company had not fared as well as he had hoped in China over the past few years.宏碁董事长王振堂(J.T.Wang)表示,过去几年公司在中国市场的表现,不如他所希望的那么好。

9.In Europe, the Intel-based devices have fared better and are selpng at a rate of "tens of thousands" a day, according to the company.在欧洲,基于英特尔芯片的设备卖的更好,并以每天“成千上万”的速率销售,据英特尔称。

10.andrew simms , the foundation ' s head of cpmate change , said countries with a strong market - led economic model fared least well.新经济基金会负责气候变化的安德鲁希姆斯说,市场经济模式发达的国家表现最差。