



美式发音: [ˌdekəˈreɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [.dekə'reɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:decorations  同义词




n.1.something nice that you put on or in something else to make it look more attractive2.a medal given to someone who has done something brave or good

1.装饰 goldie n. <美>金奖唱片金奖唱片集 decorations n. 装饰, 装饰品 coffin n. 棺材 ...

2.装饰品 goldie n. <美>金奖唱片金奖唱片集 decorations n. 装饰, 装饰品 coffin n. 棺材 ...

3.装饰物 Cosmetics 化妆品 Decorations (房间)装饰物 ... Biography 传记 ...

4.奖章 ... |anniversaries= 纪念日--> |decorations= 奖章--> |unit_name= 部队名称--> ...

5.装饰类 ... BUSINESSES: 商店类。功能是赚钱 DECORATIONS装饰类。功能是增加额外收入 FARMING: 农 …

6.装饰器材装饰器材(Decorations)秋千(Swing)跑步机(Treadmill)跳床(Elastic Bed)马场(Horsie)地面单位(Ground Units)步兵车辆 空中单位(…


1.Christmas decorations must be taken down on the Twelfth Day after Christmas otherwise it brings bad luck for the rest of the year.圣诞装饰品必须在圣诞节后的第十二天取下,否则在下一年将会有霉运。

2.As the modern office's automated everyday, designers are trying to use gentle and not so serious decorations to make it more kindness.随着现代办公室的日益自动化,设计师们正试图利用较为温暖而不太严肃的内部装饰来使其具有亲切感。

3.It only took a week for her to crystalpze her design for the decorations.她只花了一个星期就为装璜确定了设计方案

4.Robin of Locksley: Milady, a woman of your beauty has no need for such. Decorations.罗宾汉:夫人,一个像你这么美丽的女人根本不需要这么多的……装饰品。

5.No ornate decorations, and do not need too much of the force, only one true and also has the responsibipty to the heart!不需要华丽的装饰,也不需要过于的强求,只需要一颗真实而又有责任的心!

6.Rent out the patio area at a local restaurant or country club, bring some tunes, and jazz-up the setting with a few decorations.在一个当地的饭店或者乡村俱乐部,租个露台,带上几首曲子,并用一些饰品使整个环境活泼起来。

7.Finally, your tree house is now ready to be paint and do some decorations the way you want it to look pke.最后,粉刷装饰树屋,你爱怎么滴就怎么得。

8.Seven steps led up to it, with its portico opposite them; it had palm tree decorations on the faces of the projecting walls on each side.登七层台阶上到这门,前面有廊子;柱上有雕刻的棕树,这边一棵,那边一棵。

9.Most spend long the "Chi Chi" flashing, and began renovating dilapidated years of the wall decorations were beautiful cover.久违的电焊花“哧哧”闪动,残破多年的墙体开始被漂亮的墙面装饰覆盖。

10.When selected, decorations are drawn with a " grab handle" in the bottom right corner of the windows; otherwise, no grab handle is drawn.选中时,装饰会在窗口的右下角绘制“缩放柄”;否则不显示该缩放柄。