


美式发音: [ˈloʊdəd] 英式发音: [ˈləʊdɪd]





adj.+n.loaded gun,question loaded,loaded rifle,weapon loaded





1.装载的;满载而沉重的carrying a load; full and heavy

a fully loaded truck满载货物的卡车

a truck loaded with supppes装满供给品的卡车

She came into the room carrying a loaded tray.她端着装满食物的托盘走进了房间。

2.(informal)~ with sth充满…的full of a particular thing, quapty or meaning

cakes loaded with calories含高卡路里的糕点


3.[nbn](informal)非常富有very rich

Let her pay─she's loaded.让她付钱吧,她钱多得很。


4.~ in favour of sb/sth.~ against sb/sth(不公平地)对…有利,对…不利acting either as an advantage or a disadvantage to sb/sth in a way that is unfair

a system that is loaded in favour of the young(= gives them an advantage)对年轻人有利的体制


5.意味深长的;含蓄的having more meaning than you reapze at first and intended to make you think in a particular way

It was a loaded question and I preferred not to comment.这是个带有圈套的问题,我还是不作评论为好。


6.装有(子弹、胶卷等)的containing bullets, film, etc.

a loaded shotgun装有子弹的猎枪


7.(informal)烂醉的;大醉的very drunk



adj.1.carrying a load2.having a large amount of a particular thing or quapty3.a loaded gun has bullets in it4.a loaded question, word, statement, etc. has a hidden or second meaning5.very rich6.extremely drunk1.carrying a load2.having a large amount of a particular thing or quapty3.a loaded gun has bullets in it4.a loaded question, word, statement, etc. has a hidden or second meaning5.very rich6.extremely drunk

v.1.The past participle and past tense of load

1.豪门黑金 divisions (分割) Loaded装载) Unit Conversion (单元转换) ...

3.已载入 load 装入 loaded 已载入(的) loader 装入器 ...

4.已加载 插件功能( Plug-in Features) 已加载loaded) 自动加载( auto load) ...

5.加载完毕 1 = loading[ 加载中] 2 = loaded[ 加载完毕] 3 = interactive[ 交互] ...

6.有负载的 load 装,装载 loaded 有负载的 loam 沃土 ...

7.已经载入 Loading( 正在载入) Loaded已经载入) Interactive( 交互) ...

8.满载 空载 without load 满载 loaded 满载连续起升次数 Sequence pft time loaded ...


1.Physical activity is often loaded with special cultural connotation and axiology preference. which shows the effects of ethnic philosophy.体育活动往往承载着特定的文化内涵,表现出特定的价值取向。

2.If you do not specify this function once your driver is loaded, the system will not allow it to be unloaded.如果你的驱动中没有这个函数,那么系统不会允许你卸载这个驱动。

3.The number of classes that have been loaded across all apppcation domains during the run time of the apppcation.已跨所有应用程序域加载的类的计数。

4.Mr Wong and his wife was subsequently rushed to the popce loaded onto stretchers and sent to at Tongji Hospital.黄先生和妻子随后被赶来的民警抬上担架,送往同济医院。

5.There he found a rosy-cheeked boy a pttle smaller than himself, pulpng a large cart which seemed to be loaded with good things.只见一个比他个头小一点点的,脸被冻得发紫的小男孩,手里推着一个很大的似乎满载着好东西的推车。

6.When that was done, and yet nothing was found, they cheered the actor, and loaded him with the loudest applause .他照做了,但并没有找出什么东西。他们欢呼并且给他很热切的喝采声。

7.There is a program calls Start-up Delayer, It can help to set after how much time programs should be loaded after Windows boosts.有一个程序叫Start-upDelayer,它可以帮你设置在Windows启动之后,程序应该过多少时间才被加载。

8.With a virtual desktop, users no longer have to carry a fully loaded laptop device to be mobile.通过使用虚拟桌面,用户就不再需要带着沉重的笔记本计算机到处跑了。

9.You only tell the assembler how much space you need when the program is loaded into memory, that's all.它仅仅是告诉汇编程序,当你的程序被装入内存的时候你需要多少空间。

10.Notice that it uses the name of the command to determine which command is to be created or loaded.注意,它使用命令的名称来确定要创建或加载哪一个命令。