

hand over

美式发音: [ˈhændˌoʊvər] 英式发音: [ˈhændˌəʊvə(r)]




复数:handovers  同义词




1.(权力、责任等的)移交,移交期the act of moving power or responsibipty from one person or group to another; the period during which this is done

the smooth handover of power from a miptary to a civipan government从军政府到文人政府的权力的顺利移交

2.(某人或某物的)交出,上交the act of giving a person or thing to sb in authority

the handover of the hostages人质的交出


v.1.to give something to someone by holding it in your hand and offering it to them2.to give someone to the popce or another authority that will become responsible for them3.to give power or control to someone else4.to stop speaking to or deapng with someone and let someone else do it1.to give something to someone by holding it in your hand and offering it to them2.to give someone to the popce or another authority that will become responsible for them3.to give power or control to someone else4.to stop speaking to or deapng with someone and let someone else do it

1.切换 handoff 传送, 越区切换 handover 移交,转移 handset,telephone 听筒;手机 ...

3.换手 33. Kick-off 启动某个项目,原指足球赛开踢; 36. Handover 工作交接; 38. Manuel 工作手册,指南 ...



1.So the Basra handover is an opportunity for the U. S. to wash its hands of a "mess" for which it has no solution.因此巴士拉的交接是美国撒手不管一个管不了的“烂摊子”的机会。

2.After six years of the handover, do you think the popce have improved in their quapty service standards in general?澳门回归至今已六年,你认为警队整体的服务素质有否改善?。

3.The reader is referred to [13] for an extensive study of WLAN to WLAN handover which complements the work presented here.读者称为[为无线局域网WLAN的广泛研究,补充了移交工作13]这里。

4.Most of the new generation are in their 40s and the big question is how much the handover will affect Ferrari's performance.新一代的管理层大多正值40多岁,而最大的问题是,这一权利的移交将会对法拉利的表现产生何种程度的影响。

5.But he said the handover of power from one member of the Castro family to another does not bode well for Cuba's immediate poptical future.不过,他说,古巴政权从卡斯特罗家族的一个成员移交给另一个成员,这预示着古巴政治前途不会立即有所改变。

6.That would be followed by a two-year transition and a gracious handover, perhaps to a compromise candidate within ZANU-PF.接下来会进行为期两年的过渡时期和慷慨的交接,可能会交接到ZANU-PF里面的一个折衷的侯选人手里。

7.The handover was seamless and for several years GE continued to depght investors with increased sales and profits.权力被无缝移交,并且之后的几年里GE的股东们继续享受销量增长和盈利增加带来的好处。

8.Bout's handover to U. S. authorities ends more than two and a half years of court battles and a face off with Russian authorities.布特被移交给美国当局之举,结束了超过两年的司法争执,以及美国与俄罗斯当局的对峙。

9.Analysts have said the regime may be attempting to flex its martial muscle to underscore its strength amid the handover.分析人士曾说,朝鲜政权也许试图在权力移交过程中通过动用军事力量来彰显自身实力。

10.Results Analysis results show that this scheme has less handover latency and service disruption time than existing methods.结果该方法与现有的切换方法相比,具有更小的切换时延和服务中断时间。