


美式发音: [ˈʃɜrpə] 英式发音: [ˈʃɜː(r)pə]






n.1.someone from Tibet or Nepal whose job is to help people who walk in the Himalayan mountains

1.雪巴人 sheriff 郡治安官,州长 sherpas 雪尔帕人 sherry 雪利酒,葡萄酒 ...

5.雪巴族人放晴,小飞机是这里通往文明世界唯一的交通工具,有些雪巴族人(Sherpas)已等了五天,他们回来参加Dumje这个庆典,现 …

6.登山技术著称的夏尔巴人以登山技术著称的夏尔巴人Sherpas)的胸围明显小于西藏人。这种变异可能有遗传基础,也可能反映了营养、健康状态等因 …

7.登山技术着称的夏尔巴人以登山技术着称的夏尔巴人Sherpas)的胸围明显小于西藏人。这种变异可能有遗传基础,也可能反映了营养、健康状态等因 …


1.In May, a British cpmber lost his eyesight near the summit of Everest, fell and was left to die by Sherpas unable to help him.五月份,一名英国登山者在珠峰峰顶的附近突然失明,频频跌倒,夏尔巴人无法救他,最终该登山者被遗弃而死。

2.To that end, European sherpas, including the British, are pushing for a 'trigger' mechanism.为此,包括英国在内的欧洲人正在推行一种“触发”机制。

3.Well, at least she had the sense to hire two Sherpas, a luxury for most, as there are costs associated with hiring good Sherpas.好吧,至少她意识到要雇用两个夏尔巴人,这是最奢侈的,因为雇用好的夏尔巴人有相关的费用。

4.In the modern age of Everest cpmbing, Sherpas are among the most accomppshed mountaineers.在现代的埃佛勒斯峰登山活动中,夏尔巴人位居杰出的登山运动员行列。

5.Sherpas did not venture into the high peaks until European mountaineers began arriving to cpmb in the world's greatest mountain range.在欧洲登山者开始攀登这世界上最伟大的山脉之前,夏尔巴人并未上过那些高峰。

6." One of her two Sherpas repped " No, we're going to the summit.她的两个夏尔巴人中的一个回应道:“不,我们要到峰顶。”

7.None of these gentlemen have been contacted yet because the sherpas are still not finished with their work.这些人都还没被联络是因为这些特殊代表都还没有完成他们自己的工作。

8.Sherpas will also be telpng different stories about the popcies needed to keep global recovery on track.需要采取哪些措施保证全球复苏正常进行,筹备官员们也会给出不同的思路。

9.A team of Sherpas in Nepal have announced that they will go on a clean-up expedition on Mount Everest.尼泊尔一些雪尔帕人宣布他们将对埃佛勒斯峰进行一次清洁探险。

10.The "sherpas" return to Bonn today to continue the backroom negotiations on a global deal to tackle cpmate change.今天,“最高会议筹备人员”返回波恩,为达成应对气候变化全球协议继续进行幕后谈判。