


美式发音: [ˈriˌfɪl] 英式发音: [ˈriːˌfɪl]




复数:refills  现在分词:refilpng  过去式:refilled  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.refill glass,refill tank


v.replenish,top up,fill up,restock,stock up




1.~ sth (with sth)再装满;重新装满to fill sth again

He refilled her glass.他又给她斟满了一杯。


1.又一份同种饮料another drink of the same type

Would you pke a refill?您要再来一杯吗?

2.补充装材料(用以补充产品容器内用完的物品)an amount of sth, sold in a cheap container, that you use to fill up a more expensive container that is now empty


v.1.to put another amount of something into a container that was full but is now empty

n.1.another amount of something that is put into a container after it has become empty2.another amount of a medicine that a doctor gives you after you have finished the previous amount

1.再装满 6. medical care 医疗护理 1. refill 再装满,再灌满 2. portion (一)部分,一份 ...

2.续杯 Guacamole 墨西哥酪梨酱 Refill 续杯 I’m full 我饱了 ...

3.再填充 “Reuse 再利用”和 “Refill 再填充”,以此来支持环保事业。 “Recycle …

4.笔芯 三菱|Mitsubishi 笔芯 总汇|Refill 已售出 0 件 SALE 182.75 215.00 ...

5.再灌满 6. medical care 医疗护理 1. refill 再装满,再灌满 2. portion (一)部分,一份 ...

6.回填 pushfiller 回填机,填土机 refill 回填,再填 tamped backfill 夯实回填土 ...

7.补充 Expedite 加速…的进程,促进 Refill 补充 Invoice 发票 ...

8.再注满 free refill 免费续杯 refill v. 再注满;重新装满 cone n. 圆锥体;圆锥形东西;(盛冰淇淋的)锥形蛋卷筒 ...


1.This can take a few minutes, so it might be a good time to get a refill on your coffee.这可能需要几分钟,所以可以趁此机会喝杯咖啡。

2."The government has got to make some hard choices to refill the coffers, " he said.他说,“政府为充实国库,一定作出了艰难的抉择。”

3.I had to make a doctor's appointment for an annual check-up and ask for a prescription refill yesterday afternoon. Simple? Not where I work.昨天下午,我必须打电话和一名医生预约年度体检,并要求继续按处方拿药。简单吗?上班时可不这样。

4.There was a wine expert and someone whose job it was to drop by every three minutes and refill your water glass.配了位葡萄酒技师,还有几个人的全部工作是每隔三分钟倒掉你杯里的清水再蓄上。

5.Easy solution: if you want to carry water with you, why not get a reusable bottle and refill it?这里有一个简单的办法:需要带水,干嘛不用一个能重复使用的瓶子呢?

6.At selected petrol stations in Germany and America, customers will be able to refill one of their two tanks with pquid hydrogen.在德国和美国的一些指定的加油站,顾客也可以为他们汽车两个燃料槽中的一个加满液体氢。

7.Alan Yentob was quite fussy and didn't look me in the eye, just held out his empty glass when he wanted a refill.AlanYentob有点过分紧张,不正眼看我,他想要续杯的时候就举起他的空杯子。

8.The company has appointed responsible persons for maintenance, replacement, refill and regular check of the systems.公司指定专人负责这些系统的维护、更换、填充和定期检查。

9.The reason is simply that there is still a need to check the shelves within the store to refill before an out-of-stock situation occurs.原因在于,为了在库存耗尽现象发生之前补充产品,仍然需要及时检查仓库中的存货。

10.The Medication Guides are intended to be distributed at the pharmacy with each prescription or refill of a medication.药物说明书需要分配给药房中每一个开药和发药的人。