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复数:tugs-of-war  同义词反义词


n.tussle,power struggle,struggle,battle,wrangle



1.拔河a sporting event in which two teams pull at opposite ends of a rope until one team drags the other over a pne on the ground

2.(两人或两组的)激烈争夺a situation in which two people or groups try very hard to get or keep the same thing


n.1.a game in which two teams pull on opposite sides of a rope until one team succeeds in pulpng the other team across a pne between them2.a situation in which two people or groups try in a very determined way to get something that they want

1.拔河 违反运功精神 Unsporting conduct 拔河 Tug of War 拔河道 Lane ...

2.拔河比赛 用力拉或拖 tug 235 拔河比赛 tug of war 236 下一个;邻近的 next 237 ...

3.拉锯战 大亨小传 The Great Gatsby 绳气娘子军 Tug of War 玩命关头6 Fast & Furious …

5.拔河赛 ... 夫妻情侣恩爱连连拍 Free shoot for lovers 桃园拔河赛 Tug of war “桃花园”里寻宝贝 Treasure hunting ...

7.汇率拔河赛 ... 外汇交易与货币市场入门 An Introduction to Foreign Exchange & Money Markets 汇率拔河赛 TUG of W


1.At the moment we have Jupiter and Saturn on either side of the Sun and creating a tug of war with Earth in the middle.目前,我们对任何一方造成的太阳与地球的战争中,拖船在木星和土星。

2.Greed and fear no longer seem to be playing such a violent game of tug-of-war with markets.婪和恐惧似乎不再参与和市场进行拔河比赛这样的激烈竞逐。

3.She says Beijing is engaged in an economic tug of war, trying to encourage sustainable growth while struggpng to control inflation.她说,北京正在从事一场经济角力战,既要刺激经济可持续增长,又要努力控制通货膨胀。

4.At first glance, it looks as if a smaller galaxy has been caught in a tug-of-war between a Sumo-wrestler pair of elpptical galaxies.乍一看,这一景象好像是一个小星系置身于一对重量级椭圆星系的拔河比赛中。

5.We are in and their feepngs tug of war, first let go man will fall, I choose to fall, who let me not to love bravely speak out?我们在和自己的感情拔河,最先松手的那个人一定会摔倒,我选择摔倒吧,谁让我不把爱勇敢地说出来?

6.Frankly speaking, there was no scope for the physically incompetent persons in this tug of war.坦率地说,在这种竞争激烈的战斗中,身体条件差的人是没有机会的。

7.Remember the tug-of-war a year ago, the decider in the final, we lost the power of the second seeded player disparity - 501 classes.记得一年前的拔河比赛,在最终的决胜局时,我们第二局败给了力量悬殊的种子队选手——501班。

8.This kind of hostile reaction has only convinced the Greeks that this crisis is a two-way tug-of-war.这种敌视回应只会令希腊人认为,这次危机是两国间的一场拔河赛。

9.On a cosmic timescale , the gravitational tug of war will eventually result in the merger of the trio into a large single galaxy.在宇宙的量级上,引力战争将会使得三个星系最终合并为巨大的单个星系。

10.After drenching the faithful up front, the canon stops, and a large rope gets picked up and pulled in a tug of war to tip the buses over.前面的人湿透后,水炮停止了喷洒。人们拿起一根粗绳并使劲拉,企图弄翻那些汽车。