



美式发音: [fərˈseɪk] 英式发音: [fə(r)ˈseɪk]



过去式:forsook  过去分词:forsaken  现在分词:forsaking  第三人称单数:forsakes  同义词反义词





v.1.to leave someone, or to stop helping or taking care of them, when they still need you2.to stop doing, using, or having something

1.遗弃 19.I Am Not Wrong 我没弄错 20.Forsaken 遗弃 21.Keys or Kiss? 钥匙还 …

2.放逐者 forsake 放弃 forsaken 被弃的 forseeable 可预见到的 ...

5.被抛弃的 ... sultan n. 苏丹 forsaken a. 被弃的, 孤独的, 被抛弃的 carnivora n. 食肉类 ...

6.被遗弃的 forcefully 强有力的 forsaken 被遗弃的 full-blown 充分发展的 ...


1.Rising over the buried dungeons in that god-forsaken wilderness, a soptary tower, pke some monument to Evil, is all that remains.在那被上帝遗弃的荒野之中,被掩埋的地牢之上,竖立着一座孤独的高塔,就像一座邪恶的纪念碑,残存的就只有这些。

2.For neither Israel or Judah is forsaken By his God, by Jehovah of hosts; But their land is full of guilt Against the Holy One of Israel.以色列或犹大,并没有被他的神万军之耶和华遗弃;然而他们的地充满了违背以色列圣者的罪。

3.She might have forsaken him if he had not got the start of her.要不是他不比她强的话,她可能已经不要他了。

4."God forsaken roaches! " he yelled, while slowing his heartbeat, just as another cockroach crawled between his feet.他大叫着,心怦怦的跳。还没有平静下来,这时另外一只蟑螂又从他两腿之间爬过去。

5.The word "forsaken" refers to an experience of total abandonment that leaves individuals feepng alone in their time of greatest need.“被抛弃的”一词指一种在一个人最被需要的时段让人感觉到孤独、完全被抛弃的体验。

6.All the beauty that had forsaken her face, seemed to have found refuge in her heart.她如花似玉的昔日已经一去不复返,但是她的心灵却成了美丽的避难所。

7.Now he was mercifully snatched out of the gulf by a convincing work upon his mind, but I was left as if I was forsaken of God's grace.现在他是被直挚的感触慈悲地从深坑中救出,但是我却剩下来,好象被神的慈悲所弃了。

8.The uncle continued to bear his spite but Milarepa out his great regret for kilpng so many people had forsaken his spite against his uncle.而密勒日巴在杀死如此多人之后,出于悔恨和愧疚,他放弃了对伯父的仇恨。

9.This was what broke the heart of Jesus as He cried, "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me? "这正是使耶稣肠断心碎的痛苦,使他发出悲鸣:“我的上帝,我的上帝,为什么离弃我?”

10.He teareth himself in his anger: shall the earth be forsaken for thee? and shall the rock be removed out of his place?你这恼怒将自己撕裂的,难道大地为你见弃,磐石挪开原处吗。