


美式发音: [dɪˈfrɔd] 英式发音: [dɪˈfrɔːd]



第三人称单数:defrauds  现在分词:defrauding  过去式:defrauded  同义词




1.骗取,诈取(…的钱财)to get money illegally from a person or an organization by tricking them

All three men were charged with conspiracy to defraud.三人均被控密谋诈骗。

They were accused of defrauding the company of $14 000.他们被控诈骗该公司 14 000 元。


v.1.to get money from a person or organization in a dishonest way

1.欺骗 deform 使不成形,使丑 defraud 欺骗,诈欺 defy 违抗,不顾,挑激 ...

2.诈骗 deflator 综合物价折算指数 defraud 诈骗 defraud tax 偷税,漏税 ...

3.诈取 诈晴〖 clearup(afterrain)〗 诈取defraud〗 诈降〖 pretendtosurrender〗 ...

4.欺诈 deform v. 损伤,使变形,变坏 defraud v. 欺诈 defy v. 反抗,蔑视 ...

5.骗取 (2) 同本义[ deceive;hoax] (4) 骗取[ defraud] (5) 哄[孩子][ hoax] ...

6.绷 deforestation 采伐森林 defraud 欺骗某人 deft 灵巧的,熟练的 ...

8.故意诈欺 ... Defense of Justification 正当化事由抗辩 Defraud 故意诈欺 Demurrer 驳回原告之 …


1.Thou shalt not defraud thy neighbour, neither rob him: the wages of him that is hired shall not abide with thee all night until the morning.不可欺压你的邻舍,也不可抢夺他的物。雇工人的工价,不可在你那里过夜,留到早晨。

2.But if not, he will defraud him of his money, and he shall get him for an enemy without cause.假使不能,就诈取债主的钱,无故与债主成了仇人。

3.They covet fields and seize them, and houses, and take them. They defraud a man of his home, a fellowman of his inheritance.他们贪图田地就佔据,贪图房屋便夺取;他们欺压人,霸佔房屋和产业。

4.He used a second identity to defraud the bank of thousands of pounds.他用冒充身份骗取了银行成千上万英镑。银行成千上万英镑。

5.Money, of course, encourages fraud, and ISOS participants have many ways to try to defraud one another.当然,有钱就会有诈欺,ISOS的参与者若想欺骗对方多的是方法。

6.Three alleged accomppces have been arrested on suspicion of money-laundering and conspiring to defraud bookmakers.三名帮凶目前已因洗钱和谋划欺诈彩民的嫌疑被拘捕。

7.Seven former KPMG partners, and a former tax manager at the big accounting firm, were charged in August with conspiracy to defraud the IRS.8月份,毕马威的7名前合伙人,以及这家大型会计师事务所的一位前税务经理被控合谋欺骗美国税务局。

8.He passed himself off as the managing director to defraud the bank.他假冒总经理的名义诈骗银行。

9.No one may sign and issue bills of exchange without consideration to defraud fund from a bank or other parties to the bills.不得签发无对价的汇票用以骗取银行或者其他票据当事人的资金。

10.The pubpc perception that everyone's on the take has left many Greeks bepeving that it's morally acceptable to defraud the pubpc coffers.公众认为每个人都在收受贿赂,这让许多希腊人相信税务欺诈是道德上可以接受的行为。