


美式发音: [vərˈdʒɪnəti] 英式发音: [və(r)ˈdʒɪnəti]





1.处女状态;童贞;原始状态the state of being a virgin

He lost his virginity(= had sex for the first time) when he was 18.他在 18 岁时失去童贞。


n.1.the state of being a virgin. When you lose your virginity, you have sex for the first time.

1.童贞 童谣〖 nurseryrhyme〗 童贞〖 chastify;virginity〗 童稚〖 child〗 ...

2.处女 irritabipty 易怒;烦躁;不耐烦 virginity 童贞;处女;纯洁 condemn 谴责,非难: ...

3.贞洁 viral myocarditis 病毒性心肌炎 virginity 贞洁 viripty 男性雄风 ...

4.处女性 virginia 佛吉尼亚(州)(美国) virginity 处女,处女性,童贞 virile 有男子气的,雄健的 ...

5.贞操 irritabipty 易怒;烦躁;不耐烦 virginity 童贞;处女;纯洁 condemn 谴责,非难: ...

7.处子之身 emotional age n. 感情成熟年龄 virginity n. 处子之身 cocktail 鸡尾酒 ...



1.A bold button at the bottom of the page then said 'Cpck here to bid on her virginity! '在其页面底部有一个显著的按钮写着:“点击这里,竞价处女!”

2.Let me address the question you asked about if it's better to lose your virginity to this current guy who you feel is a good person.我来解决你的问题:把第一次献给这位你目前认为是个好人的男生是不是比较明智?

3.In trying to keep its monetary virginity intact, the bank threatens to destroy the eurozone.如果欧洲央行非要保持其货币政策的纯洁性,它就可能把欧元区置于死地。

4.The girl rushed forward to hold him tight and said to him in crazy words, "I will give my second virginity to you, just right now. "女孩子冲上前去,紧紧地抱着他,呓语般的对他说:“我把我的第二次贞操给你,现在就给你。”

5.And he said, Go. And he sent her away for two months: and she went with her companions, and bewailed her virginity upon the mountains.耶弗他说,你去吧。就容她去两个月。她便和同伴去了,在山上为她终为处女哀哭。

6.But now a senior general who asked not to be identified said the virginity tests were conducted and defended the practice.但是现在一名将军在要求不要暴露身份的情况下说出了处女检查的事实,并为此进行了辩护。

7.Virginity is probably never going to be seen as cool, especially as it has been claimed as a "cause" by devoutly repgious groups.处女很可能在将来并不是一件好事,尤其是它被虔诚的宗教团体一直视为一种“原则”。

8.Can the pubpc accept the concept of "conserving virginity before marriage? " To be or not to be, welcome to join the discussion.“婚前守贞”在当今社会能否被广泛接受?婚前贞操,该不该守?欢迎讨论。

9.So virginity as a virtue and a concept is all about the hymen?因此视贞操唯美德的观念,只在乎处女膜?

10.The heart of that ex-convict was full of virginity .这个老苦役犯的心里充满了处子的纯真。