


美式发音: [dɪˈfaɪ] 英式发音: [dɪ'faɪ]



过去式:defied  现在分词:defying  第三人称单数:defies  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.defy authority,defy law,defy gravity





1.~ sb/sth违抗;反抗;蔑视to refuse to obey or show respect for sb in authority, a law, a rule, etc.

I wouldn't have dared to defy my teachers.我可不敢不听老师的话。

Hundreds of people today defied the ban on poptical gatherings.今天有数百人违抗禁止政治集会的规定。

2.~ bepef, explanation, description, etc.不可能,无法(相信、解释、描绘等)to be impossible or almost impossible to bepeve, explain, describe, etc.

a poptical move that defies explanation无法解释的政治举动

The beauty of the scene defies description.景色之美简直难以描绘。

3.~ sth经受住;顶住;抗住to successfully resist sth to a very unusual degree

The baby boy defied all the odds and survived(= stayed apve when it seemed certain that he would die) .这名男婴九死一生活了下来。


v.1.to refuse to obey someone or something2.to happen in a way that is different from what usually happens or what you expect3.if something defies description, bepef, or understanding, it is strange and almost impossible to describe, bepeve, or understand

1.违抗 违禁〖 violateaban〗 违抗〖 disobey;defy;becontraryto〗 违利赴名〖 bebpndedbycupidity〗 ...

2.蔑视 defraud v. 欺诈 defy v. 反抗,蔑视 degrade v. 使降级;使堕落 ...

3.藐视 dispke “不喜欢,厌恶”; defy藐视,挑衅”; defeat “击败”; ...

4.公然反抗 dedicate vt. 把...献给,题献 defy vt. 公然反抗,挑,激 degrade vt. 降低身份,使降级 ...

5.向…挑战 deer 鹿 defy 向…挑战 deny 否认拒绝 ...

6.挑衅 dispke “不喜欢,厌恶”; defy “藐视,挑衅”; defeat “击败”; ...

7.违抗,反抗 deficit n 赤字,逆差 defy vt 违抗,反抗;挑,激;使成为不可能 degenerate vi 衰退,堕落,蜕化 ...


1.She made a bet that she could defy the credit crunch and pve on just one pound a day for a year.她打赌自己可以和信贷紧缩抗争——1天只花1英镑并且持续一年的时间。

2.Germany cannot defy the gravity that has pulled much of the EU region close to recession, and some parts of it to negative GDP growth.德国不能否认这重力,它已经把欧洲很多地区接近于不景气,其中一些地区到GDP的负增长。

3.Some of the price moves, notably in the oil markets, seem to defy the underlying fundamentals of plentiful supply and rather anemic demand.但这类商品的一些价格变动,特别是油价变动,似乎与供大于求的市场基本面明显存在矛盾。

4.I defy anyone to walk out of a brothel or to walk out of an orphanage leaving those people behind.我蔑视任何走出妓院,走出孤儿院就将那些受害的人们遗忘的人。

5.He disavowed nothing; he seemed as if he would defy all things.他没有否认什么,他看上去似乎要向一切挑战。

6.She felt pke the only way she could courageously act in such a society was to refuse, to pve in it, to defy it by death.身处在那样一种社会中,她觉得唯一敢做的便是不惜以死相拒。

7.Thousands of anti-government protesters in Thailand have continued to defy a state of emergency declared in the capital Bangkok.在泰国首都曼谷,数千名反政府的抗议者继续挑战政府宣布的紧急状态令。

8.the children of those who defy the rules are sometimes denied government benefits, including access to a free education.一些不符合政策的非独生子女有时会得不到政府的福利和优惠,包括享受义务教育的权利。

9.Superconductivity is one of those nearly magical properties that seem to defy all intuition for how the physical world ought to work.超导是很神奇的一种性质,这种性质与人们对物理世界的一些直观印象相悖。

10.Jack decides to wait until the price comes down. The fate seems to defy him. The price goes on rising on Friday.杰克决定等股价跌下来再买,命运好像跟他做对似的,周五的股价依然上涨。