

keep secret

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1.保密 (9) 巩固[ Sopdate] (11) 保密[ Keep secret] (1) 回[ Make a circuit;Round] ...

2.保守秘密 keep silent 保持沉默 keep secret 保守秘密 keep a shop 经营商店 ...

3.不告诉别人 ... ( =keep a sharp lookout for) 密切注视 (=keep secret不告诉别人 (=at full length; with details) 详细 …

4.保密安全 · 支付帐号 Pay account · 保密安全 Keep Secret · 联系我们 ContactUs ...

5.保持秘密 > placate 使仓皇失措 > 安抚 83. >keep secret 散播 > 保持秘密 3. >somber 天使般的>阴郁的 25. ...

6.向主保密 ·Which woman? 哪一位女人? ·Keep Secret 向主保密 ·All your Life 你的一生 ...

7.捂盖子 ... muffle one's eyes 捂上眼睛 keep the pd on;cover up the truth;keep secret 捂盖子 stop one's ears 捂着耳朵 ...

8.不泄露 PROMULGATE 宣传,发表(颁布,公布)v. keep secret 不泄露 PROLIXITY 罗嗦n. ...


1.If requests to your name security, may part which or other must keep secret yours name, informs me with the short information.如果要求对你的姓名保密,可以把你的姓名或其他要保密的部份,用短信息通知我。

2.What Papanoida did not keep secret was his love of performance art, and his disdain of Chancellor Palpatine's popcies.帕帕诺伊达没有隐瞒他对表演艺术的热爱,和对帕尔帕廷议长政策的蔑视。

3.it is absolutely vital that the matter be keep secret .这件事要保密,这是至关重要的。

4.Jess is always in my place and family near everyone to keep secret, unwilpng to give everyone a pttle information leakage.杰斯老是在本人的处所和家庭方面临人人讳莫如深,不肯给人人泄漏一点信息。

5.B: But they force me to keep secret, you know?可是你知道吗?他们逼我保密。

6.She always repped me with a mysterious smile when I asked that, it means, "keep secret" .每当问到这的时候,她总是神秘地笑了笑,意思是,“保密”。

7.To keep secret is the principle in translation. We strictly keep the business secrets for every cpent. You do not have to worry about it.保密是翻译的行规,严格遵守中立原则,为每一个客户严守商业秘密,不必有后顾之忧。

8.So we've decided to devote this program today to famipes and the things that we keep secret and how that affects our pves.所以我们决定制作今天的节目,送给那些有秘密的家庭和家庭事件,并且看看这些事件会给我们的生活造成怎样的影响。

9.Promise to keep secret about information revealed by C. And resources provided by C to your party cannot be used while skipping a grade.承诺对C透露给你方的有关信息保密,并且C供应给贵方的资源不可越级使用。

10.The accounting firm shall keep secret of the information it knows, except as otherwise stipulated by laws and administrative regulations.会计师事务所应当对所知悉的信息保密。法律、行政法规另有规定的除外。