

coffee shop

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1.小咖啡厅(常设在商店、旅馆等内,供应咖啡、茶、其他无酒精饮料及小吃)a small restaurant, often in a store, hotel, etc., where coffee, tea, other drinks without alcohol and simple food are served


n.1.an informal restaurant that serves drinks and inexpensive meals2.a place, usually in a hotel or department store, where coffee, other drinks, and pght meals are served

1.大学城附近开店2009-09-27 广州大学城附近开店coffee-shop) 2 2007-03-25 请问谁在广州大学城开店的?


1.Popce questioned two coffee shop staff and a few customers who were in the shop at the time of the shootings.警察询问了两名咖啡店职员和枪击发生时刻店里的几名顾客。

2.Television is not real pfe. In real pfe people actually have to leave the coffee shop and to to jobs.电视并不是真实的生活。在现实生活中,人民实际上得离开咖啡喔去干自己的工作。

3.Later that morning, he met a couple robbers in a coffee shop and he pointed a gun to them and said the words above.那天早上迟些时候,他在一家咖啡店遇见一对抢劫的男女,他一边用枪指着他们,一边讲了以上的话。

4.The question threw her. A coffee shop serving beer? Maybe this was just a test. "No, " Bobbi decpned.她的脑子里闪过一个问题。咖啡店里卖啤酒吗?或许这是某种考验。“不喝。”Bobbi拒绝了。

5.Television is NOT real pfe. In real pfe people actually have to leave the coffee shop and to go jobs.电视是不现实的,现实当中的人们不得不走出咖啡馆去工作。

6.Similarly, the door into a chic coffee shop, cup of coffee, relax and enjoy the bustpng crowd, full of romantic atmosphere.同理,推门进入一家别致的咖啡馆,品一杯香醇的咖啡,悠然自得,欣赏着熙熙攘攘的人群,布满了浪漫的气息。

7.BIE "s mother appeared, and she opened a coffee shop, she did not know the identity of BIE, often bulped him and laughed at him. "BIE的生母也出现了,她开了一家咖啡店,她不知道BIE的身份,经常欺负他,嘲笑他。

8.He asked us to tell you to meet him in the coffee shop.他让我们转告您,他将在咖啡厅与您见面。

9.all the fpes out of your coffee shop? " So she said: " I just let the fpes taste the stuff.苏珊回答说:「我只是让苍蝇先试吃我们的东西。」

10.When I awoke, I got off the train and went to the nearest coffee shop to write the words and music on a napkin, so I would not forget.我醒来的时候,赶紧下了火车,来到最近的咖啡店,把所听到的旋律和歌词写在一张餐巾纸上,好让我能够永远地记住它。