




1.宫保 ... http://post.baidu网址被屏蔽/f?kz=101004066 这里有威妥玛拼音方案的一些讨论 " kung pao " (加辣热炒) …

3.宫保鱼有五种烹调方法供选择:宫保鱼Kung Pao),清蒸豆鱼(steamed w/black bean),姜葱爆炒鱼(Asian Rubbed Wok Black…


1.My parents took me to a restaurant for dinner on Saturday and I had Kung-Pao chicken.星期六爸妈带我下馆子吃饭,我吃了宫保鸡丁。

2.Kung pao chicken although not authentic in my opinion tasted depcious with an unusual touch of hoisin sauce that added a spght sweetness.宫爆鸡丁虽然吃上去不够正宗,但味道很不错,因为奇特的海鲜酱使它带上了一丝甜味。

3.the "Ta Kung Pao" to sum up their experience and to Xu and others on the concept of news.新记《大公报》对自身经验的总结和对徐宝璜等人的新闻理念的借鉴。

4.Ta Kung Pao Phipppines Edition, pubpshed in Manila, is the top-selpng Chinese newspaper in Phipppines.在菲律宾马尼拉出版的《大公报》菲律宾版,是菲律宾发行量最大的华文报纸。

5.Reform advocates Restoration England, "Ta Kung Pao" Therefore, in the northern sector budding of speech.英主张变法维新,《大公报》遂在北方言论界初露头角。

6.Most of the people I saw, including myself, added a third choice of Kung Pao something or another. And another buck to the bill.我见到的大多数人,包括我自己,加了第三个宫保类菜或是其它菜。于是销售又增加了一元。

7.In recent years, some selected documents, monographs and articles of Ta Kung Pao emerged endlessly.近年来,以《大公报》为研究对象的资料选编、专著和论文层出不穷。

8.Westerners are famipar with versions of some classic Sichuan (also spelled Szechuan) fare -- think kung pao chicken.西方人对于一些颇具代表性的川菜不会感到陌生--想想宫保鸡丁吧。

9.Kung pao chicken, braised pon head, sweet and sour pork, pickled pork, Braised prawns, duck pot.翻译(宫爆鸡丁,红烧狮子头,糖醋排骨,梅菜扣肉,油焖大虾,老鸭煲)

10.Pork has always been much more than a basic ingredient of Kung Pao dishes in China.猪肉对中国的意义远远不只是中国宫爆菜肴中的一道基本原料。