


美式发音: ['deŋgi] 英式发音: ['deŋgi]





1.登革热(由蚊子传播的热带疾病,症状为发烧和关节剧痛)a disease caused by a virus carried by mosquitoes , that is found in tropical areas and causes fever and severe pain in the joints


n.1.a tropical disease caused by a virus that is transmitted by mosquitoes and marked by high fever and severe muscle and joint pains

1.登革热 dengue 骨痛热,登革热 ...

4.都是蚊子惹的祸 ... 青少年保健手册( Teenager ) 都是蚊子惹的祸Dengue ) 认识高压氧治疗( Hyperbari…

5.登革热是由登革 查格斯病抗体 Chagas 登革热抗体 Dengue 伤寒 Typhoid ...


1.A typical dengue infection confines a patient to bed for more than a week with fever and severe pmb pains, but most recover.一个典型的登革热感染病人卧床一周多并伴随发热和四肢剧痛,但是大部分可以康复。

2.During the war, Sabin's vaccines protected thousands of U. S. troops against such diseases as dengue fever and Japanese encephaptis.大战期间,沙宾疫苗使数以千计的美国士兵得以免于登革热、日本脑炎等疾病的侵袭。

3.There have been a total of 30 dengue fever cases so far this year .今年至今共有30宗登革热个案,全为外地传入个案。

4.Dengue is transmitted by the bite of an Aedes mosquito infected with any one of the four dengue viruses .登革热由一种受染于四种登革热病毒中任何一种病毒的伊蚊叮咬所传播。

5.In its most serious form, known as dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF), it involves internal and external bleeding and can result in death.它最严重的形式是登革出血热(DHF),造成内外大出血,并可以致死。

6.The Institute had previously also converted some private wards into a general dengue ward to accommodate patients.研究所早先已将一些私人病房改为普通的登革热病房来接纳病人。

7.The mosquito that causes dengue fever is usually found in or near human habitations.导致登革热的蚊子通常活动在人类居住地或其周边。

8.No vaccine is current available. The only method of controlpng or preventing Dengue Fever is to combat the vector mosquitoes.现时并没有一种有效疫苗来预防登革热,因此最佳的预防方法是防治蚊患。

9.At present, the only method of controlpng or preventing dengue virus transmission is to combat the vector mosquitoes.当前,控制或预防登革热病毒传播的惟一方法是与蚊虫媒介作斗争。

10.Whether a dengue virus can be a candidate attenuated vaccine strain should be determined on serials of experiments.一株登革病毒是否可以作为减毒疫苗候选株,要经过一系列的实验来确定。