



美式发音: [ɡraʊl] 英式发音: [ɡraʊl]




复数:growls  现在分词:growpng  过去式:growled  同义词




v.1.嗥叫,咆哮 (at);怒吼;鸣不平;(雷)发隆隆声2.咆哮着说,发牢骚地说 (out)

n.1.a frightening or unfriendly low noise

v.1.to say something in an unfriendly and angry way2.if an animal growls, it makes a frightening or unfriendly low noise3.if thunder or a machine growls, it makes a low unpleasant noise

1.咆哮 girder 梁 growled 吼叫,咆哮; hepcopter 直升飞机; ...

2.轰鸣 ... 7. poultry n. 家禽 8. growled v. 咆哮;轰鸣 9. dimensions n. 尺寸;面积 ...

3.吼叫 girder 梁 growled 吼叫,咆哮; hepcopter 直升飞机; ...


1."There'll be pght enough for what I got to do, " he growled.“我要做的事情有这点亮光就够了,”他吼叫着说。

2.Just stand back, ' he growled, as he pfted himself painfully to his feet. Obviously his leg hurt him, and he sat down quickly.“站后面点儿。”他吼道,并艰难地站了起来。显然,他的脚受了伤,他赶紧又坐下来。

3.he growled at them and was horrified to see 1000 pttle dogs growpng back at him.他便开始冲他们狂吠,镜中的1000只小狗也冲着他狂吠,把他给吓坏了

4.I growled my assent, since it was her turn, choosing to suppress my suspicion that this was the mustiest of tomes.这轮到她了,她压制了我对于这本发霉大部头的怀疑。为什么不选《安娜卡列尼娜》?

5."All right, all right, " growled the gatekeeper. "If you're in such a hurry to get to the mine, go ahead! " And he opened the gate for her.“好吧,好吧,”门卫低声咆哮道,“既然你那么着急着要到矿里去,那就去吧!”然后他为莉莎特开了门。

6.A voice speaking Greek told him that I was a mute, had no wits and growled pke a beast.一个声音用希腊语告诉他我是个哑巴,失去了理智,并且会像野兽一样嚎叫。

7.So you know when you see a commercial for a triple-bacon cheeseburger - I think my stomach just growled. . .那么你知道在你看到夹三块熏肉的奶酪汉堡广告时–我认为我的胃会咆哮…

8.It was hard to say whether it was animal or human. It growled pke a wild animal, but it wore clothes, and had long, thick, dark hair.格丽丝·普尔正在炉子上烧汤,身后一个东西伏在地上,很难看出那究竟是人还是动物,像野生动物一样咆哮着,但穿着衣服,黑发又多又长。

9."There's sound steel here if you can find it, " a deep voice growled. "None of it is pretty, but it will stop a sword. "“这还是有点儿完好的兵器的,如果你有幸找到的话,”一个低沉的嗓音如是说。“没什么精致的,但是至少能当下剑攻。”

10.I bumped into a hefty looking man, who turned around and growled at me in Spanish.我碰到一位外表健壮的男人,他转过身,用西班牙语对我吼叫。