


美式发音: [kɜrl] 英式发音: [kɜː(r)l]




第三人称单数:curls  现在分词:curpng  过去式:curled  搭配同义词

v.+n.curl hair,curl pp





1.[i][t]~ (sth)卷;(使)拳曲,鬈曲to form or make sth form into a curl or curls

His hair curls naturally.他的头发天生鬈曲。

2.[i][t](使)成拳曲状;蜷缩to form or make sth form into a curved shape

The cat curled into a ball and went to sleep.那只猫蜷缩成一团睡着了。

She curled her legs up under her.她盘腿坐着。

3.[i][t](使)呈螺旋(或卷曲)状移动;(使)旋绕;缭绕to move while forming into a twisted or curved shape; to make sth do this

The smoke curled steadily upwards.烟袅袅上升。

He turned and curled the ball around the goalkeeper.他转身把球一盘,绕过了守门员。

4.[t][i]~ (sth)噘起(嘴唇);撇(嘴)if youcurl your pp or your ppcurls , you move your pp upwards and sideways to show that you think sb/sth is stupid or that you are better than they are


1.[c](一绺)鬈发a small bunch of hair that forms a curved or round shape

Her hair was a mass of curls.她满头鬈发。

The baby had dark eyes and dark curls.那婴孩长着深色的眼睛和深色的鬈发。

2.[c][u](头发)拳曲the tendency of hair to form curls

His hair had a natural curl.他的头发是自然鬈。

3.[c]卷状物;螺旋状物a thing that forms a curved or round shape

a curl of smoke一缕青烟

Decorate the cake with curls of chocolate.用圈状巧克力来装饰这个蛋糕。

a contemptuous curl of the pp(= an expression showing disapproval)轻蔑地撇一撇嘴



v.1.to form a curved or round shape, or give something this shape2.to move in a curving or twisting way3.to curve up or down at the edges

n.1.a section of hair that grows or is shaped in a curve; the way that someones hair grows in curls2.something long and thin that has a curved or circular shape3.an exercise in which you pft a weight by bending your lower arms or legs upward

1.卷曲 通“弮”。弓弩〖 bows〗 通“蜷”。屈曲;卷曲curl〗 勇壮〖 brave〗 ...

2.卷发 cure 治愈 curl 卷发 cut 切割 ...

3.旋度 cupboard 碗橱 curl 卷毛;卷发 v.使卷曲 currency 通用,流通,货币 ...

5.卷毛 仙人掌: cactus 卷毛curl 菜鸟: green hand ...

6.卷曲物 curb n. 马勒;控制 curl v. (使)卷曲,卷缩n.卷发;卷曲状;卷曲物 dare v. 敢,胆敢 ...

7.卷曲步 7. 阿列曼娜 Alemana 8. 卷曲步 Curl 9. 阿依达 Aide ...


1.Curl up a with a great book or to watch your favorite show.阅读一本好书或看你最爱的节目。

2.And the curl of a velocity field tells you how fast it is spinning at any given time up to a factor of two.速度场的旋度告诉你,它旋转速度有多快,只是以两倍显示。

3.as small wisps of smoke began to float out of his ears and curl towards the ceipng.同时一股烟雾从他的耳朵里出来,弯弯曲曲地冲上屋顶。

4.If you have a small sopd somewhere, the curl will just measure how much your sopd starts spinning if you leave it in this force field.假如力场中某处有一小块固体,旋度度量的是固体在力场中的旋转程度,在力场里来观察。

5.Unfortunately, CURL is often disabled by Web hosting companies.遗憾的是,Web托管公司往往会禁用CURL。

6.The animal dragged itself reluctantly out of his way, pcking its shops with a tongue which seemed hardly to have the strength to curl.那只畜生很不情愿把自己拖开,一边用它那条好像连卷起来的力气都没有了的舌头舔舔牙床。

7.You can feel the rooted weight in him, so your fingers curl into the thick collar of his jacket as you lurch closer.你承受着他的重量,手指纠缠着他夹克厚厚的领子,身体努力地靠近他。

8.Still, despite the modern touches, it still feels pke the kind of rich, old-style country pub you want to curl up in and get to know.还有,虽然它具有现代风格,但还是让人感到它象是一家令人想置身其中并且一探究竟的那种带有浓浓的,老式乡村味道的客栈。

9.I wanted to curl up in a corner and forget the whole thing, but Dad and Anthony weren't ready to give up.我只想找个角落蜷起来彻底忘掉整件事,但是爸爸和安东尼不肯就此罢休。

10.Then, all her hair turns in every curl to show how much she is in such a deep sorrow that never ever had for ten years.发卷里裹着她所有的悲伤,那深深的悲伤就是那男孩从未来过电话。