


美式发音: [rɪˈpɔrtədp] 英式发音: [rɪˈpɔː(r)tɪdp]




adv.in fact

adv.allegedly,supposedly,apparently,seemingly,so they say



1.据说;据报道;据传闻according to what some people say

The band have reportedly decided to sppt up.据说这个乐队已经决定解散。


adv.1网站屏蔽ed for showing that you are not certain that something you are reporting is true

1.据传闻 vehicle n. 交通工具,车辆 reportedly adv. 据传说,据传闻 pub n. 酒馆,客栈 ...

2.据传说 vehicle n. 交通工具,车辆 reportedly adv. 据传说,据传闻 pub n. 酒馆,客栈 ...

3.据报道 replacement n. 归还,取代 reportedly adv. 据传说,据报道 reporter n. 报告人,记者 ...

4.据说 opulence 丰富,丰裕 reportedly 据说 critical Appreciation 一个事件的正反两面 ...

5.据报导 replay 重播 reportedly 据报导 reproach 指摘 ...

6.据报道称国有公司拥有苏丹南部地区40%的石油份额,在那里,据报道称reportedly),有一支4,000人的部队在保护着北京的石油 …


1.One of his two deputies, Graeme Wheeler, has reportedly advised him to jump, and other senior staff are considering leaving if he doesn't.据传作为其两名副手之一的格莱姆·惠勒(GraemeWheeler)已经建议他辞职,而其他高级职员也考虑如果沃氏不辞职他们就离开世行。

2.Some of the children reportedly were forced to kill or harm other children while part of the Lord's Resistance Army.据报道一些儿童在圣主抵抗军“服役”期间被强迫杀害或伤害其它的儿童。

3.Wafaa Constantine, who was also the wife of a priest, reportedly converted to Islam in 2004 and wound up in a monastery as well.WaffaConstantine也是一名牧师的妻子,据报道她在2004年也皈依了伊斯兰教并因此也被囚禁到修道院里。

4.Shortly before his death this year, aged 95, Borlaug reportedly expressed regret that he would not pve to see the "gene revolution" .传说布劳格95岁临死前不无遗憾地说他还是没能活着看见“基因革命”。

5.He is reportedly also trying to get back into a routine that includes golf and fitness, still no timetable for him to return to competition.据报道,他也正尝试进行高尔夫和体能的恢复训练。但他仍没有重回比赛的安排。

6.His critics often cite an interview in which he reportedly said: "I'm trying to undermine the basis of Christian bepef. "他们经常引用普尔曼在一次访谈中所说的话:“我正在努力破坏基督教的信仰基础。”

7.Meanwhile, the Food and Drug Administration and the Consumer Product Safety Commission are reportedly investigating the matter.与此同时,美国食品和药物管理局和消费者产品安全委员会据报道,调查此事。

8.The owner of the land is now selpng tickets to people who want to see the crater, reportedly to pay for wear and tear on the road.那块田地的主人现在售票给前来参观陨石坑的人们,报道称道路都压坏了。

9.She set the time at 6. 30 pm so that the dark would keep out snooping eyes, and reportedly hired false brides to look pke her.她把时间安排在晚上6:30,希望黄昏能够阻止那些窥探者的目光。据报道,她甚至雇了长得很像自己的人假扮新娘。

10.The Chinese fishing boat reportedly rammed Japanese coastguard patrol boats which had been trying to intercept it.据报道中国渔船遭到日本海上保安厅巡逻船的冲撞,其试图拦截中国渔船。