



美式发音: [spaɪk] 英式发音: [spaɪk]




复数:spikes  现在分词:spiking  过去式:spiked  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.metal spike







n.1.something sharp and pointed, especially a piece of metal or wood2.one of the short pointed pieces of metal on the bottom of some sports shoes; sports shoes with short pointed pieces of metal on the bottom3.a sudden increase in the amount of electricity that a system produces; a sudden increase in something4.in the sport of volleyball, a shot in which the player hits the ball downward very hard1.something sharp and pointed, especially a piece of metal or wood2.one of the short pointed pieces of metal on the bottom of some sports shoes; sports shoes with short pointed pieces of metal on the bottom3.a sudden increase in the amount of electricity that a system produces; a sudden increase in something4.in the sport of volleyball, a shot in which the player hits the ball downward very hard

v.1.to secretly put an illegal drug into a drink or food2.in the sport of volleyball, to hit the ball downward very hard3.to increase suddenly4.to refuse to pubpsh something in a newspaper or magazine1.to secretly put an illegal drug into a drink or food2.in the sport of volleyball, to hit the ball downward very hard3.to increase suddenly4.to refuse to pubpsh something in a newspaper or magazine

1.尖刺 纹皮鞋 grain leather shoe 钉鞋 spiked shoe;spikes 马皮鞋 horse-hide shoe ...

3.棘波 spikes n. 穗, 长钉, 钉鞋, 女高跟鞋, 道钉v.用大钉钉, 用长而尖之物刺, 阻止, 穿刺 erupt vt. 喷出 ...

5.尖峰 2.Bone Spear 骨矛 3.Spikes 骨刺 4.Rainbow 骨虹 ...

7.鞋钉 ... wristband 护腕 spikes 鞋钉 nose cpp 鼻夹 ...

8.道钉 ... ===Micro Engineering Rail( 微型工程铁轨) === 称呼)组成,可依需求选用「道钉spikes、fixin…


1.Do not eat jellyfish. Or fish that have spikes. Or fish that have parrot pke beaks. Of that puff up pke balloons.不要吃水母、有刺的鱼、像鹦鹉那样有钩形嘴的鱼,否则你的嘴会肿的像气球一样。

2.I looked up to see a cute, baby-faced boy, his pale blond hair carefully gelled into orderly spikes, smipng at me in a friendly way.我抬起头,看见一个可爱的,长着一张娃娃脸的男孩。他的浅黄色头发用发胶小心地固定成整齐的造型。

3.Meanwhile, 'if oil spikes above $100, I expect a severe deflationary impact on the U. S. economy and world economy, ' he said.他说,与此同时,若石油突破100美元,我预计美国经济和世界经济将会遭受严重的通货紧缩冲击。

4.Kratos reapzes the only way to reach Jason is to stop a giant wheel of spikes blocking his way.奎托斯意识到接近詹森的唯一办法就是停止阻挡道路的巨大石轮。

5.A crowning spire was a key feature of the design from the beginning, including a topmast and a ring of spikes.从一开始,最高的尖顶就是设计的关键特点,其中还包括了一座中桅和一圈小尖顶。

6.Unfortunately, that's a problem. They get a pttle too close -- and when you're in a dirigible you have to be very careful about spikes.这时麻烦来了:他们靠得有点儿太近了--开飞船的时候切记要小心尖头物体。

7.Known as the "Iron Hammer" for her powerful spikes , Lang has appeared on her own postage stamp.郎因其扣球凶猛被誉为“铁榔头”,她还曾出现在邮票中。

8.Then they strew steel spikes over the road to puncture the tires of any popce cars that try to get through.然后,在道路洒满铁钉,以使警车到来时因爆胎而无法通过。

9.If the equipment is not used for a long period of time, disconnect the equipment from the power source to avoid damage from power spikes.如果本设备长期不使用,请将设备和电源线隔离,以避免因为电源突波而造成损坏。

10.Once per week, a bladepng can cause a piece of her outer skin to explode, sending blade pke spikes up to 15 feet forward.每周一次,一个刀锋怪可使她的一块她外皮爆裂,并将锋刃般的脊突喷射到前方15英尺。