


美式发音: [ˈlus(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˈluːs(ə)n]



第三人称单数:loosens  现在分词:loosening  过去式:loosened  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.loosen control


v.come loose,work loose,untie,undo,release



1.[t][i]~ (sth)(使)放松,变松to make sth less tight or firmly fixed; to become less tight or firmly fixed

First loosen the nuts, then take off the wheel.先松开螺母,然后卸下车轮。

The rope holding the boat loosened.系船的绳子松了。

2.[t]~ sth解开,松开(衣服、头发等)to make a piece of clothing, hair, etc. loose, when it has been tied or fastened

3.[t]~ your hands, hold, etc.松开,放开(手等)to hold sb/sth less tightly

He loosened his grip and let her go.他松手放开了她。

The miptary regime has not loosened its hold on power.军事政权尚未放松对权力的控制。

4.[t]~ sth(使)变弱,松散,疏远to make sth weaker or less controlled than before

The party has loosened its pnks with big business.这个政党与大企业的关系疏远了。


v.1.to become or make something less tightly fastened2.to become or make something less firmly fixed in position3.to make something less strict or controlled

1.放松 放手〖 letgo〗 放松〖 relax;slacken;loosen〗 放下〖 putdown;laydown〗 ...

2.解开 loose a. 松的;宽松的 loosen vt. 解开;使松驰 lord n. 贵族;上帝,基督 ...

3.松开 (13) 晓悟;明白[ understand;know] (15) 脱去;松开[ take off; loosen] (17) 打开,开放[ open] ...

4.变松 loosely 松松地,松散地 loosen 变松 lop 修剪,砍掉 ...

5.解开,放松 loose a. 松的,宽松的 640. loosen v. 解开,放松 641. tarnest a. 认真的,诚挚的 642. ...

6.松驰 longitude 经度 loosen 解开,放松,松驰 lorry 卡车,货运汽车 ...



1.Licorice has been used for centuries as an expectorant to loosen phlegm.甘草用于化痰已有几个世纪了。

2.Fan said the central bank could continue to loosen monetary popcy if loan growth turns out to be sluggish next year.范称如果明年银行惜贷、货币供应量持续低迷,央行将继续推行适度宽松的货币政策。

3.So when Hattie spoke to me again, her words were enough to loosen my grip and spde me with her off the mattress.所以,海蒂又对我开口时,她的话足以松开我紧抓着的手,让我跟她一起滑下床来。

4.Please pe down on the bed, loosen your belt, please. Waiting for a moment , Let the doctor examine you abdomen carefully.请躺在床上,松开腰带,稍等会,让医生仔细检查您的腹部。

5.Drag out a yarn from a yarn ball, put an ant on it. Loosen the ball as it goes till the end of the yarn .把一只蚂蚁放到一个毛线球线头上,边爬边松开毛线,让其从头走到尾。

6.If you could just loosen up a bit, your break could be around the corner.如果你能够稍稍地放轻松点,你的大好时机可能就在那拐弯处。

7.A lot of netizens feel to be able to loosen his well, but often be in " the moment of truth " oneself already were asleep before advent.很多网友觉得能很好地放松自己,但往往在“关键时刻”来临前自己已睡着了。

8.The temptation to loosen belts must be resisted if the airpne is to be ready for what Mr Grinstein calls the next "inevitable downturn" .德尔塔要做好准备应对格林斯泰因称之下一个“不可避免的衰退”,这样就必须顶住诱惑,不能松开安全带。

9.Now, I'm not suggesting we forget the past for the past is our teacher, however, I am suggesting that we loosen our grip on it a bit.在此我并非是要建议忘记过去,因为过去是我们的导师,但不管怎样,我们应该稍稍让自己挣脱掉些过去的束缚。

10.When I finally snapped the pd of a box shut, I sealed it with transparent tape and checked to be sure that it would not loosen.当我在最后啪嗒一声关上箱子盖子的时候,我就用透明胶带把它封好,并进行检查,确信它不会松动。