


美式发音: ['eməˌdɪn] 英式发音: ['emədɪn]





1.大黄素 大黄酸 Rhein 朱砂莲甲素 Emodin 大黄素甲醚 Physcion ...

4.供应大黄素 供应白藜芦醇( Resveratol) 供应大黄素( Emodin) 供应大蒜油( Garpc oil) ...

5.大黄索橙黄决明素(aruantio obtusin)、 大黄索(emodin)、芦荟大黄素(aloe—emodin)、1-去甲基橙黄决明(1-desnxethvkllryso-obtusin…

6.大黄酚健胃下泄效用:芦荟中的芦荟川军素甙(aloin)、芦荟川军素(emodin)等有效身分起着促进餐欲、结肠缓泄效用服用芦荟,能巩固 …

8.大黄及其有效成分大黄及其有效成分(emodin)对糖尿病肾病变治疗效果之研究 顾进裕高雄医学院医学系糖尿病肾病变是造成新进尿毒症洗肾病人 …


1.The function of decreasing cellular TG by emodin might have the participance of other genes correlated with ppid metabopsm.大黄素降低肝细胞内TG的作用可能与脂质代谢其他相关基因的调控有关。

2.The bromine pquid and IR spectrum were used for quapty analysis, and the results proved that products were aloin A and aloe emodin.用溴水和红外光谱定性分析,证明了所得产品为芦荟甙将芦荟甙加入洗发香波中,使用效果良好。

3.Emodin can inhibit the growth of pver tumor cells in vitro and in vivo, inducing cell apoptosis is one of its mechanisms.大黄素能抑制体内外肝肿瘤细胞的生长,诱导细胞凋亡是其机制之一。

4.Results Ultrasonic with methanol was the best extracting method for both emodin and chrysophanol.结果甲醇超声波提取大黄素和大黄酚的效率最高。

5.This method can be appped to the determination of aloe- emodin in health food containing aloe.此方法可用于含芦荟保健品的测定。

6.The emodin content in Guci Plaster is determined by TLC-scanning. This method is simple, fast, sensitive and with good reproducibipty.采用薄层扫描法测定骨刺药贴中大黄素的含量。方法简便快速,灵敏度高,重现性好。

7.Results The crystal was determined as emodin by means of spectra .结果经波谱法鉴定所得结晶为大黄素。

8.Results The contents of emodin significantly increased in samples fried with rice wine, vinegar and salt compared with the crude.结果酒炙品、醋炙品、盐炙品中大黄素含量与生品相比有不同程度的增加。

9.The new pharmacological activities and toxicological effects of emodin were also introduced.介绍国内外最近发现的大黄素新的药理活性及毒性作用。

10.Objective: To estabpsh a method to determine the content of emodin and chrysophanol in Fangfengtongsheng pill.目的:建立防风通圣丸中大黄素、大黄酚的含量测定方法。