


美式发音: ['ɑrdʒəˌni:n] 英式发音: ['ɑ:dʒəˌni:n]





n.1.an essential amino acid, one of the constituents of protein.

1.精氨酸 L-色氨酸- TRYPTOPHAN L-精氨酸- ARGININE 葡萄糖浆- GLUCOSE ...

4.氨基酸 ... Butylene Glycol,Alcohol( 醇类溶剂) Arginine( 氨基酸,精氨酸) alcohol( 酒精:溶剂/镇静收敛剂/抗菌剂), ...

5.D-精氨酸 D-蛋氨酸 D-Alanine 338-69-2 D-精氨酸 -Arginine 157-06-2 D-组氨酸 D-Lysine 923-27-3 ...

6.蛋白氨酸 PROLINE 脯胺酸 ARGININE 蛋白氨酸 PCA 天然保湿因子 ...


1.As for the total scores of tobacco, arginine, phenylalanine, serine, total free amnio acids and tyrosine have big contribution.对评吸总分贡献较大的有精氨酸、丙氨酸、氨酸、游离氨基酸和酪氨酸。

2.But after getting into the cell, the arginine-Taxol complex still has to break apart for the Taxol to do its job against the cancer cell.但是,进入细胞后,精氨酸-紫杉醇复合体还要释放出紫杉醇,紫杉醇才能发挥抗肿瘤作用。

3.The arginine transporter manages to avoid ejection by sppping through the membrane of the cell in between the pumps.精氨酸载体通过泵之间的膜进入细胞,从而避开泵外排。

4.That change in physical properties effectively cloaks the arginine-Taxol complex, allowing it to spp past the sentries and into the cell.这种物理性质的改变有效地遮蔽了精氨酸-紫杉醇复合体,允许它绕过岗哨,溜进细胞。

5.Arginine at doses of up to 3 grams three times daily has beneficial effects on cardiac blood vessel reactivity.每天服用3次精氨酸,每次3克,对提高心血管弹性有很好的效果。

6.Chemical modification of GS indicated that sulfhydryl group, tryptophan and arginine residues had no relation to enzyme activity.化学修饰表明,该酶活力与硫氢基、色氨酸、精氨酸残基无关;

7.L-arginine is one kind of amino acid, and a building block of proteins and creatine.L-精氨酸是氨基酸的一种,是蛋白质和肌酸的重要组成成分。

8.Differences in enzyme activities result in absolute requirements for niacin and arginine and in a higher requirement for protein.酶活性的差异造成了对烟酸、精氨酸以及更多蛋白质的绝对需求。

9.PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTY: azactam is suppped as a white powder which contains arginine. It is readily dissolved in water.物理化学性质:本品为白色粉末,内含精氨酸,易溶于水。

10.Arginine: Too much of a good thing may be bad!精氨酸:应用太多好事会变成坏事!