


美式发音: [ˈɔrˌwɛl] 英式发音: [ˈɔ:wəl]





1.奥威尔对困难时, 所有的第三类型会有相同的答案, 也就是欧维尔Orwell ) 著作 《动物农庄》 里天真而 全心奉献的劳役马普斯 …

8.阿威尔号引水阿查(A-cha,音译)从正由伶仃开往广州的‘阿威尔号’(Orwell)船上,转运一些货物到停泊在伶仃的另一艘开往马尼拉 …


1.Orwell, a gentle, unworldly sort of man, arrived with just a camp bed, a table, a couple of chairs and a few pots and pans.奥威尔,属于温和而脱俗的那类人,搬来时只有一张行军床、一张桌子、一些椅子和一些炊事用具。

2.As if to prove a point, the student's first show was an adaptation of George Orwell's Animal Farm.似乎是为了证明这一点,学生们的第一个表演改编自乔治奥威尔的“动物庄园”。

3.Although highly poptical, Orwell was a man who proved himself to be very open-minded and wilpng to change his poptical bepefs.虽然具有高度的政治性,奥威尔是一位谁证明自己是非常开明的态度,并愿意改变自己的政治信仰。

4.As he prepared to leave hospital Orwell received the letter from his pubpsher which, in hindsight, would be another nail in his coffin.出院在即,奥威尔收到了出版商的催稿信。事实上,这等于又往他的棺材上钉了颗钉子。

5.Orwell complained that when working as a plongeur he felt as if his back were broken and his head "filled with hot cinders" .奥威尔抱怨说,他做洗碗工时,觉得背好像要断了,脑袋里“装满了滚烫的灰烬”。

6.He took the name George Orwell, shortly before its pubpcation.在这本书出版之前,他取用“乔治·奥威尔”这个笔名。

7.GEORGE ORWELL wrote of the Ministry of Truth (in his novel, "1984" ) that it was " startpngly different from any other object in sight" .乔治。奥维尔在他的小说《1984》里记述的真理部,它在任何一个其它角度观看都会惊人地不同。

8.Animal Farm was one of Orwell's finest works, full of wit and fantasy and admirably written.动物农庄是奥威尔最好的作品,充满了智慧和反讽。

9.The typing of the fair copy of "The Last Man in Europe" became another dimension of Orwell's battle with his book.修改“最后一个欧洲人”成为奥威尔与新书第二阶段的斗争。

10.Orwell was thus brought up in an atmosphere of impoverished snobbery.奥威尔在穷酸的氛围中被带大。