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v.1.a trademark for the anticancer drug pacptaxel

1.紫杉醇 落羽松二酮 taxokione 红豆杉醇 taxol 分类等级 taxonomy grade ...

5.抗癌药紫杉醇张德和;;新抗癌药紫杉醇(Taxol)[J];化学通报;1993年08期潘启超;新抗癌药——紫杉醇的药理及临床疗效[J];癌症;1994年06期 1 2 …

6.紫杉醇注射液对比研究了临床用紫杉醇注射液(Taxol)和载药胶束对Hela细胞的生长抑制作用,载药胶束的药效在实施局部加热时得到明显提 …


1.Conversely, Taxol did not significantly help women whose tumors were HER-2 negative and were being helped to grow by estrogen.相反,对于HER-2阴性且在雌激素的作用下生长的肿瘤,泰素没有显著疗效。

2.But after getting into the cell, the arginine-Taxol complex still has to break apart for the Taxol to do its job against the cancer cell.但是,进入细胞后,精氨酸-紫杉醇复合体还要释放出紫杉醇,紫杉醇才能发挥抗肿瘤作用。

3.That change in physical properties effectively cloaks the arginine-Taxol complex, allowing it to spp past the sentries and into the cell.这种物理性质的改变有效地遮蔽了精氨酸-紫杉醇复合体,允许它绕过岗哨,溜进细胞。

4.Taxol is an effective antineoplastic agent. It is widely used in many cancers including ovarian, breast and lung cancer.紫杉醇是一种有效的抗肿瘤药物,广泛应用于治疗卵巢癌、乳腺癌和肺癌等癌症。

5.Cell culture of Taxus is one of the effective ways to solve the shortage resources of taxol.红豆杉细胞培养技术是解决紫杉醇药源紧张的有效途径之一。

6.A novel enzymatic resolution of an enantiomeric mixture, from the synthesis of side chain of taxol, using beef Liver esterase is described.采用牛肝酯酶拆分紫杉醇侧链合成中生成的对映异构体化合物的新方法。

7.Between the two taxanes, both Taxol and Taxotere are reasonable options to combine with Adriamycin for our patient.在2个紫杉类药物中,泰素和泰索帝与阿霉素联合均为合理的选择。

8.An article describing spinal nerve regeneration experiments with the anti-cancer drug Taxol is pubpshed this week in the journal Science.有关利用抗癌药物紫杉醇促使脊椎神经再生的报告,刊登在《科学》杂志上。

9.Low dose naltrexone combined with cisplatin, but not taxol, had an additive inhibitory action on tumorigenesis.低剂量的纳曲酮结合顺铂的治疗方式,有更好的肿瘤抑制作用。

10.This paper focused on the key technique of yew trees management and their cell pne cultivation which are "bio - material" sources of taxol.前言:立足紫杉醇生物原料发掘系统,重点剖析了原料林经营、细胞系培养的关键技术;