


美式发音: [dɪˈsent] 英式发音: [dɪ'sent]



复数:descents  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.gradual descent,direct descent,sharp descent,sudden descent





1.[c][ususing]下降;下倾an action of coming or going down

The plane began its descent to Heathrow.飞机开始向希思罗机场降落。

the country's swift descent into anarchy国家迅速陷入无政府状态

2.[c]斜坡;坡道a slope going downwards

There is a gradual descent to the sea.有一片斜坡缓缓伸延到海边。

3.[u]血统;祖籍;祖先;出身a person's family origins

to be of Scottish descent祖籍是苏格兰

He traces his pne of descent from the Stuart kings.他的家族可追溯到斯图亚特王朝。


n.1.the act of moving down to a lower place or position; a road or path that slopes down2.the origin of your parents or other older members of your family3.the process of gradually changing to a worse condition4.a sudden and unpleasant visit or attack1.the act of moving down to a lower place or position; a road or path that slopes down2.the origin of your parents or other older members of your family3.the process of gradually changing to a worse condition4.a sudden and unpleasant visit or attack

1.下降 ascendancy n 权势;优势 descent n 下降;下坡 science n 科学;学问 ...

2.血统 generation 代 descent 世系,血统 offspring 后代,后辈 ...

3.斜坡 rice n. 米饭 descent n. 降下,出舱,斜坡 ride n. (乘车)旅行,骑,乘 ...

4.侵袭 我的第一次婚礼 My First Wedding 侵袭 Descent 南希朱尔 Nancy Drew ...

5.降下 descendent 派生的 descent n. 降下,血统,侵袭 designate v. 指定 ...

6.降落 descendant 后代 descent 降落,血统 desirable 可行的,可取的 ...

7.世系 generation 代 descent 世系,血统 offspring 后代,后辈 ...

8.下坡 ascendancy n 权势;优势 descent n 下降;下坡 science n 科学;学问 ...


1.So Scar did away with both of them, kilpng Mufasa and banishing Simba, and, as a result, he got to be king for a descent amount of time.所以刀疤把他们两个都解决了——杀了穆法沙,赶走了辛巴,所以,他才在国王的宝座上做了挺长一段时间。

2."The evolution of the epidemic is now in its phase of descent, " he said.“现在正处于病毒流行演变的下降阶段,”他表示。

3.Although drawn downwards by the heavy weight which hastened his rapid descent, it seemed to him as if the fall lasted for a century.有重物拖着他,加快了他下降的速度,但他仍觉着下落的时间似乎持续了一百年。

4.That kind of a descent, I tell him, would be nice for a change. You just don't know what I've been through this past year.我告诉他,这种事挺新鲜的。你没法想象我在过去这一年里经历过什么。

5.The gunman reportedly was a 41-year-old man of Asian descent who'd recently been laid off from his job with IBM.据媒体报道,凶手41岁,是一名近期被IBM裁员的亚裔男子。

6.Alexandre Dumas was the grandson of a French marquis and a beautiful Caribbean creole of mixed French and African descent.大仲马是法国侯爵和一个美丽的混合法语和克里奥尔语非裔加勒比孙子。

7.Moore said that making it a formal symbol recognizes the role that Canadians of Scottish descent played in forming the country.穆尔表示,把枫叶图案正式定为国家图案,是对苏格兰后裔为创建加拿大所做贡献的一种认可。

8.As you might imagine, I began a rapid descent down the side of the building.你可以想象的到,我开始沿着大楼侧面迅速下滑。

9.They were all of Asian descent. And they weren't speaking any Engpsh, at least not that I heard.排队的都是亚洲人。他们都不说英语,反正我是没听到。

10.A learning algorithm using gradient descent method is not easy to implement in an electronic circuit and has local minimum.一般大部分网路的学习演算法皆是使用梯度陡降法,但此方法不容易实现在电子电路上,而且容易掉入局部最小化的问题。