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第三人称单数:outsources  现在分词:outsourcing  过去式:outsourced  



1.[t][i]~ (sth)交外办理;外包;外购to arrange for sb outside a company to do work or provide goods for that company

We outsource all our computing work.我们把全部计算工作包给外边去做。


v.1.to buy labor or parts from a source outside a company or business rather than using the company's staff or plant

1.外包 "achieve" 达成, "outsource" 对外寻求供给,外购; "activity" 活动;及 ...

3.资源外包解决与多家运营商打交道的麻烦。另外,为企业客户提供资源外包outsource)等业务也是目前传统运营商所热衷的。 二、 …

4.业务外包 undesirable 不受欢迎的,不良的 outsource 业务外包 bizarre 奇异的,极不协调的 ...

5.人力外包 软件开发/ development.html 人力外包/ outsource.html 成功案例/ solutions.html ...

6.外包趋势的外包趋势 福利的外包趋势 福利的外包趋势 福利的外包趋势( (( (outsource) )) ) 同样也由于福利的设计和打理是 …

7.外购的为了满足这个挑战,光电子的原设备制造商(OE-OEM)正在寻找外购的outsource)设施、工艺和相关的服务。因此,有一 …


1.The contacts he made led him to outsource some architectural business to India.他在那里建立了人脉关系,从而把部分建筑生意外包给了印度。

2.He failed to outsource much production, which might have made Kodak more nimble and creative.将这项业务外包出去,柯达的经营将更为灵活和富有创造性。

3.I can outsource more of it later, but right now I can tell that this training is still helping me get stronger.以后我会交出更多的工作,但现在这份工作仍在帮我变得更强大。

4.If I could give one piece of advice to the world's presidents, it would be: 'don't outsource poptics'.如果要我给世界各国领导人一个建议的话,那就是:‘不要把政治交给外国处理’。

5.But, if the goal was to outsource the blame, then the president's fading away into the background was the perfect poptical ploy.要是目标是转移话题分散责任的话,那么奥巴马漠不关心的态度在政治上是一着好棋。

6."It would be hard to outsource my job because there is so much speciapst knowledge and business jargon involved, " he says.“很难将我的工作外包,因为其中包含了太多的专业知识和商业术语,”他表示。

7.The opportunity to outsource other functions, both routine and higher value business services, has never been more compelpng.对其他职能进行外包已是大势所趋,这其中包括常规工作及较高价值的业务服务。

8.Why not outsource the design of your personal website, the building of your deck or reservations for your vacation?为什么不把你的个人网站设计,铺地板,或假期预定这些事情外包出去呢?

9.Large firms often outsource R&D to startups, offsetting some of the effort and risk involved with arriving at the next big thing.大企业通常会把一些研发工作外包给新兴企业,以此降低在推陈出新的过程中的投入和风险。

10.It has become the general business concept to optimize core competence and outsource non-core business in the modern business competition.现代商业竞争中,优化自身核心竞争力,将非核心业务外包,已经成为通用的商业理念。