




1.同桌 classmate 同班同学 deskmate 同桌 ...

2.同桌的你 Redscarf 鲜艳的红领巾 Deskmate 同桌的你 Fell 沉沦 ...

3.德士美 culture 文化 deskmate 同桌的同学 file 卷宗,档案 ...

5.同桌同学 同班同学 classmate 同桌同学 deskmate 同寝室的: roommate ...

6.同桌概念 classmate 同班同学 deskmate 同桌的学生。 flatmate 同住一幢公寓的人。 ...

8.德仕美 德国友好( UHU) 德仕美( Deskmate) 渡边( Gambol) ...


1.He is quite careless--he took his deskmate's book home.他相当粗心,他把同桌的书拿回家。

2.I patted the arm deskmate Yuan Huijun want to talk about the winter, he found that she was writing Qushi excerpt!我拍拍同桌袁慧君的胳膊想和他说说寒假趣事发现她在写摘抄!

3.14 my deskmate said: a man comes and goes. I dumped a: not to bring health, you can't take it with you.我同桌说:男人乃身外之物。我甩了一句:生不带来,死不带去。

4.My deskmate me with my Engpsh.我的同桌尽力帮我学英语

5.Yep. I saw your deskmate used it aftenoon. Go for asking her about this.是呀,我看见下午你同桌用过。快去问问她吧!

6.My deskmate is special still pke to help people, once I get the rubber, he offered to lend me.我的同桌还非凡喜好协助人,有一次我遗忘带橡皮了,他就主动借给我。

7.Tony used to have a thing for his deskmate in high school.托尼上中学的时候对他的同桌有好感。

8.Carl (to his deskmate Mei Ya): What did Mr. Wang say just now? I'm not clear.卡尔(对他的同桌梅雅):刚才王老师说什么?我没听清楚。

9.The girl asked her deskmate if her deskmate was going to help her tonight.女孩问她的同桌今晚是否可以帮她的忙。

10.Mention my deskmate true good, he call zhang jie, done wrong to do self-criticism, a guy.提起我的同桌真带劲,他叫张杰,做错了事勇于做自我批评,是个好样的。