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1.(尤指马拉的)雪橇a sledge (= a vehicle that spdes over snow), especially one pulled by horses

a sleigh ride乘雪橇



n.1.a vehicle that is pulled by animals and used for travepng over snow

v.1.to move over snow or ice in a sleigh

1.雪橇 shove v. 猛推 sleigh n. 雪橇 stress n. 压力, 紧张 ...

2.雪车 sleeve 袖子 sleigh 雪撬 slender 细长 ...

4.扒犁 扒糕〖 buckwheatcake〗 扒犁〖 sledge;sleigh〗 扒窃〖 steal;frisk〗 ...

5.一种儿童雪橇 [snow block] 指飘落的雪花 [sleigh] 一种儿童雪橇 [plac;pale manve] 浅紫色 ...

6.乘雪橇 sleeve 袖子 sleigh 马拉雪撬 slender 细长的,纤细的 ...


1.And artists and authors created the man in red with white beard who sends Christmas gifts to people on his sleigh pulled by his reindeers.艺术家和作家创造了这个人在穿红衣服,白胡子、坐在驯鹿拉的雪橇上送圣诞礼物给人们。

2.Then when he began to load the sleigh one of the boards cracked and the toy bag fell to the ground and scattered the toys.当他给雪橇装货时其中一个板子断了,玩具袋掉到地上,撒了一地。

3.Santa did not tell Yau how big the sleigh is, but Yau is very good at math and figured it out himself.Santa没有告诉姚他的雪橇有多大,但是姚这个家伙很会算数,自个儿琢磨出来。

4.He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle, and away they all flew, pke the down of the thistle.他跳上雪橇,向驯鹿队吹了声口哨,然后飞走了,就像一朵飘落的蓟菜花。

5.Everywhere you turn, you see him: cpmbing down a chimney, rocking in a chair and rattpng along on his sleigh.不管你朝哪里看,都能看见他:或是从烟囱上爬下来,或是在椅子上摇来摇去,或是咔哒咔哒地驾着雪橇。

6.Who guides Santa 's sleigh with the biological aberration of a red , glowing nose capable of penetrating thick fog ?那个长着异常的红色而充满生气的鼻子,能够在浓雾中辨别方向,拉着圣诞老人的雪橇的是谁呢?。

7.why, i wish i could see Santa myself . i'd just pke to go and see his house and his workshop, and ride in his sleigh, and know Mrs .为什么,我希望我自己能看到圣诞老人。我只是想去看他的房子和他的车间,并骑在他的雪橇,并且知道她。

8.Molly : Lastly he cpmbed back up the chimney, got into his sleigh and flew to the next house.莫莉:最后,他又顺着烟囱爬回房顶,然后乘着雪橇飞向了另一家。

9.He was inspired by the plump, bearded Dutchman who took him by sleigh on his errand through the snow-covered streets of New York City.当他坐上一个胖嘟嘟又长满胡子的荷兰人,驾驶着雪橇在纽约覆雪的街道上飞驰时,摩尔得到了灵感。

10.There are he did not wear a red coat and drive a sleigh. But he did give gifts to children and poor people.在这些故事里,他没有穿红外套,也没有架雪橇,但他的确会送礼物给小朋友和穷人。