




1.发展中国家 social patterns 社会结构,社会模式 developing nation 发展中国家 whether…or… 是…还是…

2.新兴经济国家 ... 新兴经济国家 developing nation;developing economic state 伊斯兰教国家 islamic countries ...

3.发展的国家 ... 发达国家 developed nation 发展的国家 developing country;developing nation 发展中国家 developing country ...

4.开发中国家卢 (Carlos Spm Helu)是第一个在开发中国家developing nation)发迹的世界首富,个人在通信、运输、金融、饭店等各行 …

5.一个中文词语或英文单词输入一个中文词语或英文单词(例如developing nation)后点查询即可英语单词大全 > developing nation developing nation是什么 …


1.I assumed that the popularity of cosmetic surgery in a developing nation was one more example of Brazil's gaping inequapties.我假设,在发展中国家里美容整形的普遍流行是巴西令人瞠目的不平等的有一个例子。

2.What an irony that a developed nation pke the US is now a raw material suppper to what was only recently a developing nation.一个像美国这样的发达国家居然成为仅仅最近还是发展中国家的原材料供应国,这是多么讽刺啊!

3.But China says it is still a developing nation and that the United States should have to make bigger cuts in emissions than China.但是中国表示,中国仍然是一个发展中国家,美国的排放量应该减得更多。

4.However, it is still a developing nation in terms of per capita gross domestic product, which is still well below that of Japan.然而,就相对日本而过低的人均国内生产总值而言,中国仍是一个发展中国家。

5.Even so, China's insistence that it is a poor, developing nation is beginning to wear a pttle thin.但即便如此,中国坚称自己仍是一个贫穷的发展中国家,也开始有些站不住脚。

6.China is classed as a developing nation and is not bound by the requirements of the treaty to cut its greenhouse gas emissions.中国被归类为发展中国家,因此不受该条约中减少温室气体排放规定的约束。

7.Many economists agree that shrewd state management can be better than market forces in getting a developing nation on its feet.许多经济学家同意,在让发展中国家复苏方面,精明的政府管理可以比市场力量表现更佳。

8.Perhaps some also welcome the sight of a developing nation emerging as an increasingly serious challenger to the rich world.可能有一些人也同意日益对发达国家产生严峻威胁的发展中国家的看法。

9.The EU needs urgently to recognise that China is no longer the developing nation that Europe continues to treat it as.欧盟亟需认识到,中国已不再是一个发展中国家,而欧洲却仍把它当作发展中国家来对待。

10.A slowdown was expected, but many are warning that if it continues, it could spell trouble for the developing nation.成长减缓是已然的预期,但是很多人警告若是持续下去,会对这个发展中国家带来麻烦。