

second floor

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1.二楼 Second Basement 地下二层 B2 Second Floor 二楼 2F Sprinkler 喷雾器 / 洒水器 ...

2.三楼 drawer 抽屉 second floor (英)三楼,(美)二楼 spring 弹簧 ...

3.二层 清汤 clear soup 二层 second floor 肉汤 broth ...

4.第二层 商店 Store 第二层 Second floor 地铁 Subway ...

5.三层 (英); second floor (美) 三层 second floor (英); third floor ...

6.第二楼如故抢到第二楼(Second floor)&永利高线上娱乐;&永利高线上娱乐; &永利高线上娱乐;&永利高线上娱乐; 2011-06-19 拔取&永利 …

7.第二层楼 沙发就是英文中第二层楼Second Floor)的缩写, sf。但中文打字时,敲sf就出来了沙发两个字。


1.That kind of the sports clothes of the red black is pke the stick of similar nature of my second floor skin at me.那种红黑色的球衣就像我的第二层皮肤一样自然的贴在我身上。

2.Several aisles away, in the middle of the store, I see a conveyor belt carrying gold-colored boxes up to a second floor.我看到几个过道之外、商场的中间有个传送带正把一些金黄色的盒子传送到二楼。

3.The elevator was ascending, and stopped at the second floor, but the girl did not walk out of the elevator.电梯上升著,在第二层停了下来。但是那个女孩并未走出电梯。

4.The temple, which had a relaxed atmosphere, was situated on the second floor with a modest-sized temple room.那庙位于二楼,有个足够大的庙堂和放松的气氛。

5.Jin yells, as she cpmbs the unpt stairs to her second-floor room. Neighbors' heads pop out of their rooms to greet her.“我回来了”,她边喊边登上楼梯,她在二楼的房间没有亮灯,邻居们从他们自己的屋子里探出头来和她打招呼。

6.I hung it in my private office on the second floor of the White House, and looked at it every night.我把信贴在白宫二楼的私人办公室的墙上,每天夜里都要看上一眼。

7.She had closed the door and started up to the second floor when the elevator came to a halt.那天她进入电梯后,电梯的门随后关上,要升往二楼。

8.He said a number of staircases inside the club as well as bars across the second-floor windows had also made escape difficult.他说俱乐部内有一定数量的楼梯,以及二楼窗户之间的酒吧也造成了逃生困难。

9.As he was being arrested, he jumped off the second floor of a parking garage and ended up in a coma. He died two months later.小伙子在即将被捕前,从二楼车库顶上跳下摔伤,昏迷了两个月之后最终撒手人寰。

10.Where in the White House on Pennsylvania Avenue, only to see the White House West Wing, second floor roof of the building.而在白宫所在的宾夕法尼亚大道上,只能看到白宫西翼大楼的二层楼屋顶。