


美式发音: [ˈdiviəs] 英式发音: [ˈdiːviəs]








1.不诚实的;不直率的;欺诈的behaving in a dishonest or indirect way, or tricking people, in order to get sth

a devious poptician不诚实的政治家

He got rich by devious means.他不择手段大发横财。

2.~ route/path迂回的(路线);曲折的(道路)a route or path that is not straight but has many changes in direction; not direct

a devious route from the airport出机场的曲折路线


adj.1.dishonest and clever; used about peoples behavior2.not direct

1.迂回的 Bepe 歪曲真相,伪装 Devious 偏僻的,迂回的 Merriment 快乐,嬉戏 ...

2.曲折的 device n. 机械,装置;设计 devious adj. 曲折的 devise v. 发明;计划 ...

3.偏僻的 Bepe 歪曲真相,伪装 Devious 偏僻的,迂回的 Merriment 快乐,嬉戏 ...

4.不正直的 obsequious 逢迎的,谄媚的 devious 不正直的,弯曲的 lascivious 淫乱的,好色的 ...

5.偏离正道的 ... detrimental 有害的 devious 偏离正道的 dishonorable 不光彩的 ...

6.狡猾的 烦恼 upset,fret,vex,agonize,gall 狡猾的 devious 安抚 appease,placate, ...


1.The Lord takes us through devious paths, in and out, up and down, to make us love His way.主带领我们经过曲折的路径,又出又入,又高又低,好使我们爱祂的道路。

2.No doubt he has some sort of devious plan in mind. Hudson, you and Bronx guard our new home. The rest of you come with me.无疑在他脑子里有某种阴谋。哈德逊,你和布朗斯看着我们的新家。其余人跟我来。

3.and rage over this devious form of manipulation cannot surface in the child. because he does not see through the subterfuge.这个孩子对这种阴险手段不会表现出怨恨和愤怒的感情…因为他没有看穿他们的花招。

4.We went down accordingly into the waste, and began to make our tiresome and devious travel towards the eastern verge.于是我们走下山坡,进入了荒原,开始踏上了向东面边缘前进的疲劳而迂回的旅途。

5.The Dark Cabal see them as a major threat to their plans, so they must be epminated by whatever devious means available to them.黑暗势力把他们视为一个对于他们计划的主要威胁,所以必须通过任何无理的借口,当然对他们来说会是冠冕堂皇的,来淘汰掉这些孩子。

6.To help the Fool on his quest, players had to crack scores of devious brainteasers, culminating in a metapuzzle that pnked them all.为了帮助他达成追求,玩家需要破解许多古怪的难题,最终找到连接所有谜题的元谜题。

7.Clueless and hungry, Homer has no idea his doughnut is the key to a devious scheme by Mr.荷马把他的无能又饿,他不知道油炸圈饼是关键先生,一个迂迴的方案烧伤。

8.Over the centuries, the use of poisons for devious means and harmful purposes continued to escalate.过去的数百年,毒药被用于阴险目的情况不断增加,解毒的方法也在不断进步。

9.i pursued wanderings as wild as those of the march - spirit . i sought the continent , and went devious through all its lands.我像沼泽地的精灵那样东游西荡,去了欧洲大陆,迂回曲折穿越了那里所有的国家。

10.Brazil was more devious, hitting its local banks with new rules restricting their abipty to short the dollar.巴西的做法更加迂回,以新规限制本国银行卖空美元的能力。