



美式发音: [ˈdaɪˌdʒest] 英式发音: ['daɪ.dʒest]




第三人称单数:digests  现在分词:digesting  过去式:digested  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.digest experience,digest report


v.process,assimilate,absorb,break down,consume





v.1.when your stomach digests food, it changes it into the substances that your body needs2.to understand information when there is a lot of it or it is difficult or unexpected

n.1.a summary of a book or report

1.消化 ... digest 是 消化 digested 被消化的 amino acids 是 氨基酸 ...


1.So-called absorbable carbohydrates, including glucose and fructose, can be directly absorbed and do not need to be digested by enzymes.所谓的易吸收糖份,包括葡萄糖和果糖,可直接被吸收而无需借助于酶停止消化。

2.The products with high protein, low fat, various nutrients and diet fiber. Easy to be digested & absorbed by pets.该产品高蛋白、低脂肪、富含多种营养元素和膳食纤维,易于宠物消化和吸收。

3.After digestion , any remaining material is digested from the anus and passes out with the water flowing out the excurrent siphon .经过消化之后,任何残留的物质都通过肛门排遗,并随水流流到出水管外。

4.When food is not digested properly, abdominal discomfort may occur, and nutrients may not be made fully available for the body to use.当食物不能完全消化时,可能导致腹部不适,营养成分不能完全的被身体吸收使用。

5.Had the possibipty very obsolete pning becomes originally fashionable, has pke this also digested the stock, reduced the cost.有可能本来十分过时地面料变得时髦啦,如许还消化啦库存,降低啦本钱。

6.We are no longer used to feel the exhibition by heart nowadays, because too much reading systems digested the works quickly.我们现在去看展览,已经不习惯用心去感受作品了,因为有太多的阅读系统迅速地把作品消化了。

7.a well-digested conventionapsm had incorporated itself thoroughly with his substance and transformed him into a work of art.传统习俗已被融会贯通,完全与他合二为一,将他变成一件艺术品。

8.Human immune reactions can continue for hours inside that drop of blood until it is all digested.在这滴血内人类免疫反应可持续数小时,直到血滴完全被消化。

9.The exoskeletons are usually not digested, and over the course of the summer fill up the pitcher tube.昆虫的外骨骼通常不会被消化掉,经过一个夏天,瓶身往往会装满昆虫。

10.Transforms is an optional ordered pst of processing steps that were appped to the resource's content before it was digested.Transforms是一种选择性的处理步骤排序清单,在摘录资源内容之前,对它应用这些步骤。