



美式发音: [ˈrerəti] 英式发音: [ˈreərəti]



复数:rarities  同义词




n.1.something that does not happen often2.someone or something that is admired or valued because you do not often see or find them3.the fact that something is unusual or does not happen often

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1.You can taste Tregothnan tea, grown in a tiny microcpmate in Cornwall - surely one of the greatest rarities you can find in London!你不妨尝一下这里的特勒郭斯南茶,这种茶产于康沃尔郡的一块特定气候的小地方——绝对是在伦敦你能找到的最稀罕的茶之一。

2.The exhibits include pieces from the museum that have never been shown before and additional rarities from private collections.回顾展的部分展品就来自该玻璃艺术博物馆,以前从未展出过。还有部分珍品来自私人收藏。

3.Among the rarities acquired by this anonymous collector are 22 "first orders" , many more than can be found in any museum.在这位匿名收藏家购得的稀世珍品中,有22件是“首批订单瓷器”,远超过任何一家博物馆的此类瓷器收藏量。

4.During a two years' sojourn in Italy , he had collected many good paintings and tasteful rarities .他在意大利盘桓的两年中,收集了许多名画和雅致的珍贵物品。

5.On the contrary, the writers and artists who appreciate natural science or engineering technology are rarity of rarities.相反,能热爱并且理解自然科学和工程技术的文学艺术家真可谓凤毛麟角。

6.As far as I could tell, Westerners were rarities, and for good reason.据我所知,这里的西方人很少,这是很有原因的。

7.A decade ago, gas-electric hybrid cars were exotic rarities on the U. S. road.十年前,油电混合汽车在美国的公路上还是奇异的罕见之物。

8.Wherever the fleet went, it traded products from China for local rarities and promoted official trading relations.船队所到之处,都会用中国的货物和当地特产进行交换,促进官方商贸的发展。

9.In 1822, the Mauritshuis was opened for the pubpc and housed the Royal Cabinet of Paintings and the Royal Cabinet of Rarities.1822年,莫瑞泰斯皇家美术馆向公众开放,内置有皇家油画秘藏和皇家珍品秘藏。

10.in central city and the art galleries with various valuable rarities. Nothing, they maintain, is.园,城市中心漂亮的雕塑,还有满是稀世珍宝的艺术展览馆。他们认为在经济发展中,没。