



美式发音: [rɪˈfjut] 英式发音: [rɪˈfjuːt]



第三人称单数:refutes  现在分词:refuting  过去式:refuted  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.refute argument





v.1.to say that a statement is not true or accurate without giving proof2.to prove that a statement is false

1.反驳 ... )exppcitly adv. 明晰地,直率地 )refuted adj. 驳斥,反驳,驳倒的 )overwhelmed adj. 压倒性的,不知所措 …

2.驳斥 ) swayed 摇摆,摆动; )refuted 驳斥,驳倒; )excluded 把…排斥在外,不包括; ...

3.驳倒 testified: 证明,证实;作证 refuted: 反驳,驳斥;驳倒 Owl: 枭,猫头鹰 ...

4.驳倒的 ... )exppcitly adv. 明晰地,直率地 )refuted adj. 驳斥,反驳,驳倒的 )overwhelmed adj. 压倒性的,不知所措 …

5.坚决 ... 属性、品质、特征、归结于,, of constituent's,, 毅然、坚决,, refuted,, 迫害、骚扰,, of mute,, ...

6.证伪了 ... torpedoed: 被破坏的 refuted: 被反驳的 be thoroughly refuted: 被她骂得狗血喷头 ...


1.But he found that, within only a few years, almost a third of the papers had been refuted by other studies.不过他发现,几年之内,就会有三分之一遭到其它研究的驳斥。

2.Seemingly dismissing a bid for Chelsea full-back Bridge, Benitez also refuted suggestions that Sami Hyypia could be on his way to Fulham.表面上,他取消了对于切尔西后卫布里奇的出价。贝尼特斯同时也否认了放行海皮亚前往富勒姆的提议。

3.He refuted local media reports saying she was brain dead but acknowledged that she had suffered severe brain trauma.这位发言人驳斥了当地媒体有关悦悦已经脑死亡的报道,但他承认悦悦遭受了严重的脑外伤。

4."The argument that they couldn't withstand the forces of head-butting seems to have been refuted by this evidence, " said Dr Theodor.“那么有了这些证据那些关于剑角龙的头部不能承受头部撞击的压力的讨论似乎被驳倒了”Theodor博士说道。

5.South Africa said Monday it is not supporting the rebels and refuted reports that it had sent a plane to Libya to evacuate Mr. Gadhafi.南非星期一表示不支持利比亚反对派武装,并驳斥了有关南非派遣飞机帮助卡扎菲撤离的报导。

6.Porsche said it had consulted Bafin at every step in its takeover of control at VW and refuted any allegations of market manipulation.保时捷表示,在获得大众控制权的过程中,每一步都向Bafin进行了咨询,并驳斥了任何有关其操纵市场的说法。

7.But Ferguson refuted the possibipty of suspending Rooney, who's currently out with an ankle injury.但同时表示目前因脚踝受伤休息的鲁尼不会因为这一事件遭停赛。

8.Any concerns that the speed of construction will seriously jeopardise the safety of Sky City have been refuted by the company.关于建筑速度将严重损害天空城市安全的关注,都遭到该公司驳斥。

9.It also has been often said that sales is just a numbers game. And I've often refuted that saying.常常听到有人说销售不过是一种数字游戏,当然我也时常驳斥那种说法。

10.KFC later admitted the practice, but refuted allegations that the company misrepresented it as milk from ground soybeans.肯德基后来承认此做法,但是驳斥了该公司误传豆浆是用碎黄豆制作的指责。