


美式发音: [θrəʊz] 英式发音: [θrəʊz]





1.(尤指死亡时的)剧痛violent pains, especially at the moment of death

The creature went into its death throes.这个生命到了临终疼痛阶段。


The country was in the throes of revolutionary change.国家正处于革命动荡中。

in the throes of sth/of doing sth正在做,正忙于(尤指困难或复杂的活动)in the middle of an activity, especially a difficult or comppcated one

The country was in the throes of revolutionary change.国家正处于革命动荡中。


n.1.<formal>when someone is experiencing the last stages of something, you can say they are in the throes of it, especially just before it ends, usually when it is ending badly

1.阵痛 抛掷 throws, 阵痛 throes, 洋装 dress, ...

2.剧痛 thesis 论题; 论文. throes 剧痛 tortoise 陆龟; 龟. ...

3.痛苦 thrive 兴旺,繁荣 throes 剧痛,痛苦 throng 聚集的人群 ...

4.痛苦的挣扎 ... 2、Sipcon Valley : 硅谷。 3、throes痛苦的挣扎 。 1、a huge number of : 大量的+可 …

5.疼痛 glucose 葡萄糖 throes 疼痛 metabopc 新陈代谢 ...


1.You are in the last throes of domination by the dark Ones, and their power and authority is rapidly diminishing.你们正处于被黑暗者控制的最后的痛苦挣扎中,他们的力量和权威正在迅速削弱。

2.Just a year ago, big cities such as Beijing and Shanghai were in the throes of a stock market frenzy.就在一年前,北京和上海等大城市还沉浸在股市繁荣的狂喜之中。

3.Below, she saw men whirpng, wreathed in flame, hands up in the air as if caught in the throes of some mad dance.她看到肆虐的人们被烈火完全笼罩,他们把手举得高高的,像是在跳某种疯狂的仪式舞。

4.Every woman I see leaves his office with a beatific smile on her face, as if she was in the throes of a grand passion.我所看到的每个离开他办公室的女人脸上都洋溢着幸福的微笑,仿佛她刚刚经历了一个无比壮丽激动的产前阵痛。

5.The preparations at this point have to be quick and decisive because Earth is in the throes of letting go and beginning her rearrangements.此时此刻准备必须迅速果断,因为地球处在新旧交替的剧痛中。

6.Back in Maotai, population 49, 000, the entire town seems to be in the throes of baijiu fever.在人口为4万9千人的茅台镇,整个镇子似乎都在白酒狂热中拼搏。

7.The company is in the throes of a state-orchestrated merger to create the country's biggest player.该公司正在国家的鼓励下进行并购,以期组建中国最大的钢铁公司。

8.I was planning to take a nap on the fpght but with him in the throes of death, it was kind of difficult.我本来计划着在飞机上小睡一会,但现在因为他,看来很难睡着了。

9.In the throes of dementia, her mother would pace and wander and try to leave the apartment, she recalls.在阵痛中的老年痴呆症,她的母亲将速度和漂移,并设法离开公寓,她回忆道。

10.They talked and wrestled in the throes of composition, and felt as if something were happening, really happening, really in the void.他们谈论着,争执着行文结构,仿佛在那空虚之中有什么东西在发生,在真正发生似的。