


美式发音: [dɪl] 英式发音: [dɪl]






1.莳萝,土茴香(味冲,用作佐料)a plant with yellow flowers whose leaves and seeds have a strong taste and are used in cooking as a herb . Dill is often added to vegetables kept in vinegar .

dill pickles加了土茴香的泡菜



n.1.a type of herbplant used for giving food a special flavor

1.莳萝 豆蔻 Cardamon 莳萝 Dill 黄瓜 Cucumber ...

2.时萝 欧芹( parsley) 时萝dill) 迷迭香( rosemary) ...

3.小茴香 Coriander 芫荽 Dill 小茴香 Marjoram 墨角兰 ...

4.莳萝草1汤匙 将批皮滚薄,舖在9寸圆形批盘里,多余的批皮切去 放入雪柜静置15分钟,焗炉预热180C 将鸡蛋、蛋 …

5.莳萝子莳萝子dill)具独特香味,常见于面包制作或肉类料理中使用。姜(ginger) 味道辛辣,除可消除肉腥味外、还具有促进消化、增 …

6.迪尔在Merz & Co工作时,我的部门老板是迪尔Dill) 博士,他是个经验丰富的长者,我们的共处至今难忘:迪尔博士有一个长长 …

7.莳萝叶通常是用全只鸡的,但这次只用了一只鸡的骨头及一小块鸡肉,其他材料有洋葱﹑红萝卜﹑西芹,调味料有莳萝叶(Dill)及黑胡 …


1.So in the words of A. A. Milne, "Get out of my chair, dill-hole. "所以,套小熊维尼作者的话“离开我的椅子,驴蛋!”

2.In the micro-capsule with a flavor added to the curtain fabric, in a faint aroma of dill will be issued within a certain period.将带有香味的微胶囊加入到窗帘织物中,在一定时期内会发出淡淡的香味。

3.Among the crops planted: lettuce, herbs - including dill, oregano and rosemary - onions, shallots , cucumbers, peppers and peas.在种下的植物中,包括:莴苣、草药类的莳萝、牛至、迷迭香、洋葱、小葱、黄瓜、辣椒还有豌豆。

4.There was the dill, the firm peas, the whole pearl onions; but the flavors of sea and land were remarkably precise.但是里面有茴香、豌豆、和整颗洋葱,这中海洋陆地混合的风味是非常珍贵的。

5.And while we were eating the coachman came up. 'Have a dill pickle, ' he said.我们还在吃着,车夫走上来说,‘来点莳萝泡菜吧。’

6.In a wide-open area, make a signal with colorful gear, make a big X out of rocks, or dig a shallow trench, says Dill.在空旷的地方,用色彩鲜艳的衣物等做出明显的标记,用岩石摆个巨大的X,或者挖个狭窄的壕沟。

7.For you tithe (donate) mint, dill, and cumin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faith.因为你们将薄荷,茴香,芹菜,献上十分之一。那律法上更重的事,就是公义,怜悯,信实,反倒不行了。

8.I made a carrot-dill soup, a chilled yogurt-cucumber-dill soup, and a kale-swiss chard-carrot soup.还做了胡萝卜莳萝汤、冷冻酸奶黄瓜莳萝汤,还有甘蓝甜菜胡萝卜汤。

9.Pickles are produced by placing cucumbers and such components as dill seeds in casks filled with a brine.酸黄瓜是通过把黄瓜和诸如小茴香籽的成分放在充满盐水的桶中而制得的。

10.Place dill, mint, parsley, basil, garpc, scalpons, lemon juice and salt in a food processor and process until finely chopped.把小茴香、薄荷、欧芹、罗勒、大蒜、青葱、柠檬汁和盐放入食物加工机中进行加工,直至完全切碎。