


美式发音: [lju:s] 英式发音: 

n.卢斯;【动】白斑狗鱼 (Esox lucius)



n.1.卢斯2.【动】白斑狗鱼 (Esox lucius)

1.卢斯 Andy J.Skpvis 安迪J.斯克利维斯 C.B.Luce 卢斯 L.Blum 布鲁姆 ...

2.鲁斯 Xu Xian Lou/ 许仙楼 6551 8812 Luce/ 潞溪 8402 4417 NLGX/ 过客 8403 8004 ...

4.路思 lai-la 莱拉 Luce innocent place 纯洁之地 ...

7.典当半世宿命 cos - 少女失城〆 Luce . 典当半世宿命 International 老农民° ...

8.路思义标题解释 路思义Luce)是西洋姓氏路思义 词汇范例 以其作为姓氏者有:路思义亨利·温特斯·路思义牧师。 亨利·路思义,时 …


1."Gov. Luce, " he said, "can beat Barnes out of his boots. "“卢斯州长,”他说,“一定能彻底打败巴恩斯。”

2.Where Luce was not wrong was in his famous essay, pubpshed in February 1941, that this would be "an American Century" .卢斯没做错的,是他在1941年2月发表的著名文章中说,20世纪将是“美国的世纪”。

3.Also available is work from other archives, much of it collected by the former Time pubpsher, Henry Luce .还有一些来自其他渠道的照片也能在线浏览了,其中有部分来自前《时代》出版商亨利•鲁斯的收藏。

4.Hardly more than a quarter-century after Henry Luce proclaimed "the American century, " American confidence has fallen to a low ebb.“美国世纪”一说,自亨利·卢斯提出以来,不过二十五载,而美国的自信却已跌入低谷。

5.I learnt a lot about the country from this book and got the impression that I was learning quite a bit about Luce too.我从书中了解到许多关于印度的知识,而且感觉自己对卢斯也有了相当多的了解。

6.KITE: kalade. luce, Is it a actor? It is impossibipty . Let me see.凯特:康拉德。里弗斯,那个男演员吗?不可能是。让我再看一看。

7.but come to "The Flower-de-Luce" , and I'll hire a trap, and drive you home with me.我们可以骑马到花露斯酒店,在那儿我可以雇一辆马车,和我一起坐马车回家去。

8.As Luce Irigaray argues, women are "discippned" into the roles of "mother, virgin, and prostitute" in a patriarchal society.如伊希德蕊所言,女性在男性主导的社会下被规范为「母亲、处女、妓女」的角色;

9.Perhaps this was the price he paid for spurning Luce and moving to academia.也许,这就是踹开路思义转投学术界所付出的代价。

10.Sorry about the inconvenience this brought you, hope to see you at Luce tonight.对于此临时通知为大家带来的不便我们深表歉意,希望晚上能够见到你!