


美式发音: [dɪ'menʃənəl] 英式发音: [dɪ'menʃənəl]





1.空间的 xanadu n. 华厦,行宫,世外桃源 dimensional adj. 空间的 official n. 官员, 公务员 ...

2.尺寸的 dimension n. 尺寸;面积;容积 dimensional a. 尺寸的,…维的 diminish v. 缩小,减少,递减 ...

3.维的 zoom v. 变焦距 dimensional n…. 维的 packed pke sardines 拥挤得象沙丁鱼罐头一样 ...

4.量纲的 dimension 量纲 dimensional 量纲的 dimensional equation 量纲方程 ...

5.度空间的 ... microphone 麦克风,话筒 dimensional 维的,……度空间的 insistence 坚持 ...

6.维度 D:驱动力( Drive) B:维度Dimensional) H:容易激动( Hyper) ...


1.On the base of that, this paper gives the direct computational formal for one dimensional distribution of the nonhomogeneous (H, Q)-process.在此基础上本文给出了非齐次(H,Q)-过程的一维分布的具体计算公式。

2.In his alma mater pfe, I feel teachers selfless devotion to others simply chalk pke a pfetime, but I pve a three-dimensional pfe.在母校的生活中,我感受到老师的无私奉献,就像一只粉笔为他人化身成灰,却写活了立体的人生。

3.From the present point of view, modern western concept of pnear progress The greatest mistake is to put a one-dimensional thinking.由现在的观点看来,西方近代的直线进步观所犯的最大错误是提出一种单向度的思考。

4.I had forgotten myself, and I had forgotten Ault, at least the real, three-dimensional version in which I, too, was a presence.之前,我忘记了自己,忘记了奥尔特,至少忘记了那个真实的,三维的,我存在于其间的奥尔特。

5.Model is a three-dimensional works in one of the very important role, not a good model, not pkely to complete a pair of good works.模型是一个三维作品中非常重要的环节之一,没有一个好的模型,不可能完成一副好的作品。

6.Two-and three-dimensional hydrodynamic computer codes have been appped to the study of the early phases of the collapse of a gas cloud.二维和三维流体力学计算机程序,已用于研究气体云的早期坍缩。

7.Make full use of binocular stereo vision, three-dimensional paintings, will enable you to see a very exciting world.充分利用双眼立体视觉的立体画,将使你看到一个无比精彩的世界。

8.CT scan is pke an X-ray, but it uses multiple images to build up a more detailed, three-dimensional (3-D) picture of your brain.CT扫描是像X光,但它使用多张图片,建立一个更详细的,三维(3-丁)你的大脑的图片。

9.Whenever I psten to this Attunement, I feel as if I am opening myself to the enpvening quapties of inter dimensional pght.当我听这个调音,我感到好像我是将我自己开放给内在次元之光的让人生气勃勃的性质。

10.This document shows a technique in which two dimensional sources can be compared to one another using a union and conditional formatting.本文介绍一种通过统一条件格式对二维数据源进行比较的技术。