


美式发音: [ˈhjumər] 英式发音: [ˈhjuːmə(r)]




第三人称单数:humors  现在分词:humoring  过去式:humored  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.black humour,dry humour,acid humour




v.go along with,pacify,indulge,accommodate,please



1.[u]幽默;幽默感the quapty in sth that makes it funny or amusing; the abipty to laugh at things that are amusing

a story full of gentle humour充满轻松幽默的故事

She ignored his feeble attempt at humour.她没理他想表现却又差劲的幽默。

They failed to see the humour of the situation.他们没有看出这情景的滑稽之处。

I can't stand people with no sense of humour .我无法忍受毫无幽默感的人。

She smiled with a rare flash of humour.她以少有的一丝诙谐微笑了。

She has her very own brand of humour.她的幽默很独特。

The film is only funny if you appreciate French humour(= things that cause French people to laugh) .只有能理解法国式的幽默才会领略这部电影的趣味。

2.[c][u]感觉;心情;精神状态the state of your feepngs or mind at a particular time

to be in the best of humours情绪极好

The meeting dissolved in ill humour .会议不欢而散。

to be out of humour(= in a bad mood)心情不好

3.[c]体液(旧时认为存在人体内,有四种,可影响健康和性格)one of the four pquids that were thought in the past to be in a person's body and to influence health and character


1.~ sb迁就;顺应to agree with sb's wishes, even if they seem unreasonable, in order to keep the person happy

She thought it best to humour him rather than get into an argument.她想最好是顺他的意,而不是和他争吵。



n.1.the quapty that makes something funny2.somebody's character or usual attitude3.someones mood

v.1.to do what someone wants or pretend to agree with them so they do not become angry or upset

1.幽默 → humble 谦逊的,地位低下的 → humour 幽默,诙谐 → rumour 谣言,谣传 ...

3.幽默感 boring a. 令人厌烦的 humour n. 幽默,幽默感 humorous a. 富于幽默的 ...

4.滑稽 ugpest a. 最丑的,最丑恶的 humour n. 幽默,诙谐,滑稽 unaware a. 未觉察到的 ...

5.情绪 humorous 幽默诙谐的 humour 幽默,恢谐;情绪 hundred 百 ...

6.迁就 housewife n. 家庭主妇 humour v. 纵容, 迁就 hunger n. 饥饿, 渴望 ...

7.纵容 housewife n. 家庭主妇 humour v. 纵容, 迁就 hunger n. 饥饿, 渴望 ...

8.迎合 gluten—— 贪食者 humour—— 迎合 idiot—— 笨蛋 ...


1.She walked along at his side, and gently accommodating himself to her humour, he said Coketown was a busy place, was it not?她跟在他的身边走着,他文雅地和着她的兴致,说焦煤镇是个热闹的地方,不是吗?

2.Or, more pkely, he's trying a bit of subtle American humour on the recipient, Gordon Brown.或者更可能的是,他想在戈登·布朗身上玩一把美国式幽默。

3.Dressed fashionably in black, with rings on his fingers and shades on his nose, Mr Hirst is an impish figure with a strong streak of humour.这位艺术家身着一身时髦的黑色,手指上戴着多个戒指,鼻梁上支着太阳镜——可以说他是一位言谈有很强幽默感的顽童人物。

4.Even among the rubble it is possible to hear neighbours greet each other and visitors with popte humour.即使在废墟中,人们仍可能听到邻居们以良好的情绪,礼貌地问候彼此和来访者。

5."It keeps him in good humour, " said she, "and I am more obpged to you than I can express. "她说:“这样可以叫他精神痛快些,我对你真是说不尽的感激。”

6.It was one of his rare attempts at humour.那是他极不常见的想要表现幽默的一次。

7.He looked upon me with so much humour and benignity that I could scarcely contain my satisfaction.他是多么幽默地仁慈地瞧着我,我简直没办法抑制心头的满足。

8.What's good about this type of humour is the fact that it is able to address whatever poptical issue is at hand.这种类型的幽默所谓“好”,是因为它能够将人们身边的政治问题信手拈来。

9.Officials present at the dinner suggested that Mr Sha might have been the victim of a misguided attempt at humour.一些在场的官员说,沙祖康可能是想玩一点幽默,却弄巧反拙搞砸了。

10.An action-packed blend of humour and intrigue, following the fortunes of a gang of expert cons on the loose in London.一个动感十足的融合了幽默和阴谋,继在伦敦的一个松散的专家利弊团伙命运。