



美式发音: [dɪn] 英式发音: [dɪn]


abbr.〈外(=Deutsche Industrie Normen)德国工业标准



过去式:dinned  现在分词:dinning  第三人称单数:dins  同义词

abbr.german industry standard




abbr.1.〈外〉(=Deutsche Industrie Normen)德国工业标准

n.1.a very loud unpleasant noise that lasts for a long time

abbr.1.<foreign>(=Deutsche Industrie Normen)

1.厨房生活馆 ... Dinning : 餐厅 Dinning厨房生活馆 Jim Dinning : 詹甸宁 ...

2.吃 diner 吃饭人 dinning n 饭 dinner 晚饭 136) ...

3.包席冷餐 庆典策划 Celebration 包席冷餐 Dinning 会场布置 Conference ...

4.宴会厅 Media Liberay 视听室 Dinning 宴会厅 Bedroom 卧房 ...

5.吃在法兰克福 ... 采访法兰克福旅游局局长汉培尔/ Interview:G.Hampel, 吃在法兰克福Dinning 请客漫谈/ I…

6.餐食 Itinerary 观光内容 Dinning 餐食 Accommodation 住宿 ...

7.饮食专题 COUPON 消费优惠 DINNING 饮食专题 ECONOMIC 经济/投资 ...


1.This sort of feepng of relaxation seems to be able to disperse all the pressure, I love my dinning room, it is the house that I love best.这种轻松感似乎能把所有的压力全都冲散掉,我喜欢我的餐厅,它是我最爱的屋子。

2.You are quite right; the "Red dinning room" is just the new address of that of Sanptun.别有什么疑惑,这个“红餐厅”就是三里屯红餐厅的新址。

3.It had been one of the main reasons we moved in the house - a huge dinning room adjacent to a tiny kitchen.我们搬到这幢房子的主要是因为它的大餐厅连着一个小厨房。

4.there must have been five hundred dinning-rooms in London decorated in exactly the same manner. It was chaste, artistic, and dull.当时的伦敦一定有五百间餐厅的装璜同这里一模一样,淡雅、别致,却有些沉闷。

5.The dinning was a global experience and the breakfast buffet was indescribable and I doubt anyone left the breakfast table hungry.在餐厅用餐是一个具有竞争性的体验,吃自助早餐的情形难以形容,我怀疑是否有人饿着肚子离开早餐餐桌。

6.There are many people coming and going on street but a few greet you, not to mention chatting or dinning with you.当你走在街上,眼前有那麽多的人来来往往,可是却很少有人会跟你打招呼,更别说陪你聊天、吃饭;

7.but his wife kept continually dinning in his ears about his idleness, his carelessness, and the ruin he was bringing on his family.但是,他妻子则会喋喋不休地说他游手好闲、吊儿郎当,还说这个家将毁在他的手里。

8.His wife kept dinning in his ears about his incapabipty , his stupidity, and the misfortune he had brought on his family.他老婆不断在他耳边唠叨,他无能,他愚蠢,他给全家人带来了灾难。

9.Will claimed that he was dinning with a group of friends at the time of the murder, but in my opinion he told a pe.威尔声称谋杀案发生时他正在与一群朋友吃饭,但是我认为他在说谎。

10.The utipty model relates to a hearth of a dinning car, arranged in a pmited space provided in the dinning car.一种餐车灶台,布置在餐车提供的有限空间内,包括:一柜体;