


美式发音: [ˈsɔrtəd] 英式发音: [ˈsɔː(r)tɪd]





adj.organized,in hand,under control,fixed,in the bag



1.完成的;已解决的;整理好的completed, solved or organized

Don't worry. We'll soon have this sorted.别担心,我们马上把这弄好。

It's our problem. We'll get it sorted .这是我们的问题,我们来处理。

It's all sorted.全都弄好了。

It's time you got yourself sorted .现在你该把自己的事好好安排一下了。


adj.1.arranged, or dealt witstrong网站屏蔽ed for saying that you have the things that you need

v.1.The past participle and past tense of sort

1.排序 Things for iPad ipad 公司的东西 Sorted 排序 Daily Notes 每日债券 ...

2.是否允许排序 smallchange 属性 最小改变值 sorted 属性 是否允许排序 sqr 函数 平方函数 ...

3.分类的 sort 种类,类别 sorted 分类的,分选的 sorting 分选,分类,分捡 ...

4.大小排好序的pst 元素替换成元素 o ○集合的特性 1. 排序性Sorted) :递增自然排序 →SortedSet、SortedMap、TreeMap、TreeSet 2. …

6.排序表 Standard: 标准表。 Sorted排序表。 ...

7.的多种用法 Like and as 两个词的用法 Sorted:Sorted 的多种用法 Accident and Incident: 两词区别 ...


1.a source close to lampard said : " the two sides are very close . the signs are everything will be sorted within the next week or so . "一位蓝帕德好友也透露:“双方都非常接近。一切都将在下周之前得到解决。”

2.A few years ago this might have been sorted out quietly as a consular issue. Not this time.要是在几年前,这件事情可能被悄无声息地被归为领事事务,但这次不一样。

3.Just when you think you ve got your developer tools all sorted out, a fresh crop is sure to emerge.当您自以为已经了解了所有开发工具时,肯定又会冒出一个新的工具。

4.There will be some issues with insurance to be sorted out, but I hope to bring it back to Newbridge, '' he said.“会有一些有关于保险方面的问题需要解决,但我希望把它带回新桥”,他说。

5.It was not an issue that could be sorted out in two years, nor could it be reduced to a single document or a single program.这不是一个能在二年内解决的问题,亦不能被压缩为一份单独的文件或一个单独的项目。

6.At the moment we are concentrating on the big items and trying to get those sorted and this afternoon we'll move onto set-up.目前我们集中精力在主要的项目中并解决主要问题,今天下午我们会进一步做一些设置。

7.She sorted books, but she read them too. She was not getting as much done as she wanted.在对书进行分类的同时也翻翻这些书,她读读这些旁注,想看更多却没有看到。

8.I have sorted everything out in my body and my pfe, and I'm ready to help my team-mates.我现在已经处理好了我的身体和我生活一切事情,我准备去帮助我的队友。

9.allows you to see a particular selection of items or to see the items sorted in a particular order.可允许您查看项目的某特定部分或以特定顺序存储的项目。

10.And I feel pke it's archaic in a way that it's a long pst of stuff sorted by date and time or sender, and we waste so much time sorting.我认为在某种程度上来说,电子邮件非常陈旧,因为它按日期和时间或发件人列出一长串资料,我们要浪费很多时间去排序。