


美式发音: [də'nəʊ] 英式发音: [də'nəʊ]




na.1.a way of writingdont knowthat shows how it sounds in informal conversation

1.不知道 我不知道! Search me! (我)不知道 dunno 不知道;未发觉 unconscious of ...

2.我不知道 disapp 我失望极了。 dunno 我不知道。 faint 我昏了过去。 ...

3.偶不基到 亚特鲁( Adol) 偶不基到( Dunno) 不顺ㄚ( Gsca) ...

4.迷糊 ... Hug 拥抱 Dunno 迷糊 Complain 投诉 ...

5.太没礼貌了 It must've been you.|一定是因为你了 Dunno.|太没礼貌了 You figure...|你认为... ...

6.观众 无情 yenyen 观众 dunno 唐小强 kitoya ...

7.主动发现笔记 ... 温度-湿度指数 Thermometer. and Hygrometer 主动发现笔记 Dunno 极天气 Ultraweather ...


1.I dunno about you but I just ain't used to it yet and that's something people need to understand.我不知道你们怎麽样啊。不过这种生活﹐我还未能习惯的。

2."Dunno why you care. I thought he was a bit of an idiot, " said Ron, scribbpng away, making his writing as large as possible.“你在乎他做什么,我一直认为他有点呆头呆脑。”罗愚一边说,一边潦潦草草地写着,尽量把字写得很大。

3.Rachel: I dunno. . . I-I thought it looked better there. And I- and also, it's an extra seat around the coffee table.我不知道…我觉得这个放在这里更好,这样咖啡桌旁就多出了一个座位。

4.What's so scary about it? I dunno, shoehorning a Core Duo processor into a Sony Vaio UX17, one of the smallest netbooks available.在现存最小笔记本之一的索尼VaioUX17中安装一个双核处理器,这究竟可怕到什么程度呢?

5.I started my career there, and I terribply miss that place. I dunno why I got such strong sense of belonging there.那是我开始工作的地方,我想那儿,想坏了,我不懂为什么我会有那么强烈的归属感。

6.And honestly, I wouldn't want to see anymore, I dunno if my ego could withstand the blow of that much porn.而且说实话,我不希望看到了,我不知道如果我的自尊心可以承受的那么多色情的打击。

7.dunno now, its gonna be a while, and the cost will be massive for a set, so Im gonna probably release as singles.不知道,没那么快,如果做这样的套装,价格会非常高,所以我准备也许只会发售单只装。

8.As for our relationship, I dunno. . . I just think that the long distance part of it is not working well. . .至于我们的关系,我不知道……我们在距离问题上似乎处理得不是很好……

9."Dunno how Mum and Dad are going to afford all our school stuff this year, " said George after a while.“不知道爸爸妈妈到哪里弄钱给我们买今年的学习用品,”乔治过了一会儿说,

10.Dunno why , my recent pfe become changing . . . May be it is the time fo me to learning independent .不知道为什么,最近的生活总是怪怪的…也许我真的太依赖了吧,是时候开始学习独立思考了!