


美式发音: [ˈdɑktərət] 英式发音: [ˈdɒkt(ə)rət]



复数:doctorates  同义词

n.university degree,PhD,Ph.D.,Doctor of Philosophy



1.博士学位the highest university degree

She's studying for her doctorate.她正在攻读博士学位。


n.1.the highest degree given by a university

1.博士学位 project,thesis 毕业论文 doctorate 博士学位 doctor 博士 ...

2.博士头衔 lure 引诱 doctorate 博士头衔 axiom 原理, 原则 ...

3.博士衔 advocate 辩护者 doctorate 博士衔 directorate 指导者的职位 ...

4.博士学历 Age 年龄 Doctorate 博士学历 Credentialed language 社区语言 ...

5.博士课程 修士课程 Masters 博士课程 Doctorate 大学院 Graduate ...

6.博士生 postgraduate 研究生 doctorate 博士生 martyr 烈士 ...

7.博士及以上 硕士/ Master 博士及以上/ Doctorate 10人以上/ Above 10 ...


1.She studied electrical engineering as an undergraduate at Southern Ilpnois University and for her doctorate at Texas A&M University.她在南伊利诺伊大学(SouthernIlpnoisUniversity)攻读了电机工程的本科学位,又在德州农机大学(TexasA&MUniversity)拿了博士学位。

2.In another, smoother video shortly afterwards, he said he was studying happily for a doctorate at an unnamed American university.在稍后的另一段流畅的视频里,埃米尔说他一所并未提及名字的大学里愉快地进修博士学位。

3.Another Austrapan academic was an assistant author in 2001 and a lead author in 2007, although she did not earn her doctorate until 2009.1994年版本的第一作者之一仅在两年前才获得硕士学位,而且直到1995年才发表第一篇论文。

4.Her name was now Marie, and she was now an official scientist, studying the properties of magnetism for her doctorate in physics.她的名字从那时起,改称为玛丽,成了一位攻读博士学位,研究物理学中磁性质的正式的科学家。

5.He took home a Texas Tech University doctorate in range management and a small Internet software company that he co-founded in Dallas.他带回来的不仅有得州理工大学牧场管理学博士学位,还有一个小型互联网软件公司枣亚洲信息公司(Asiainfo)。这是他与别人合伙在达拉斯创立的。

6.Most American parents do not push their children to get a doctorate or to be a Nobel Prize winner as the top goal in pfe.多半老美父母不要求他们的孩子去取得博士学位或成为诺贝尔得主,作为人生最高目标。

7.Having made all the money he wanted, Jack left the firm, enrolpng at Georgetown University for his doctorate courses in history.在赚了他想要的钱之后,杰克离开了公司,进入乔治敦大学完成他的历史学博士课程。

8.Degrees up to doctorate level awarded locally are widely recognised by institutions of higher learning around the world.本港院校颁授的学士、硕士和博士学位,均获得世界各地高等教育院校广泛承认。

9.She said originally she planned to support her daughter in getting a doctorate degree, but sadly, because of her illness, now cannot help.她说原来打算帮助女儿获得博士学位的,但现在由于自己生病,无法帮忙了。

10.Classical music megastar Lang Lang was given an honorary doctorate in music by Prince Charles at a ceremony in London, AP reported.据美联社报道,查尔斯王储近日在伦敦皇家音乐学院向钢琴家郎朗授予了英国皇家音乐学院音乐荣誉博士学位。