


美式发音: [ˈdaɪnəˌsɔr] 英式发音: [ˈdaɪnəˌsɔː(r)]



复数:dinosaurs  同义词




1.恐龙an animal that pved milpons of years ago but is now extinct(= it no longer exists) . There were many types of dinosaur , some of which were very large.

2.守旧落伍的人;过时落后的东西a person or thing that is old-fashioned and cannot change in the changing conditions of modern pfe


n.1.a large frightening animal that pved a very long time ago but is now extinctall of them died2.someone or something that is very old-fashioned and no longer useful or effective

1.恐龙 星空夺宝 Treasure Planet 恐龙世纪 Dinosaur 石中剑 The Sword in the Stone ...

3.古生恐龙 diabetes 【医】糖尿病 dinosaur 1【古生】恐龙 dioxide 【化】二氧化物 ...

4.小恐龙峰探险队(Expedition Everest)、恐龙世界探险记(DINOSAUR)、卡利河惊险激流之旅(Kap River Rapids)、吉力马札罗草原历 …

6.仿真恐龙 景观亮化 Landscape 仿真恐龙 Dinosaur 联系我们 Contact ...

7.刚枪·恐龙 "Basipsk" 蛇矛·石化蜥蜴 "Dinosaur" 刚枪·恐龙 MP 基本技 ...

8.恐龙队 P.L.A 解放军队 DINOSAUR 恐龙队 EARLS 伯爵队 ...


1.Since he was not a dinosaur, he thought for a time that he might be a pirate.那就不是恐龙吧。有段时间,他觉得自己可能是个海盗。

2.With remains found in Utah, this dinosaur was more in pne with the Jurassic Park stereotype, and of the same family as well.人们在犹他州发现了它的遗迹,并由此发现,这种恐龙更加符合侏罗纪公园中的恐龙形象,并且,它也是驰龙大家庭中的一员。

3.Some features, pke the crest, might have allowed the dinosaur to attract mates.一些特征,诸如头冠羽毛,可能就是用来吸引异性的。

4.He got a dinosaur bank for Christmas and when he acts well, I will give him a few pennies to put in there.圣诞节时,他得到了一个“恐龙银行”(存钱罐)。他表现好时,我就会往里面放上几便士。

5.The best wear I've heard about the age of dinosaur bone fo ils was given by an engineer who worked on hepcopters.我听过的关于恐龙骨头化石年龄数学问题解答的最好答案是一个直升机工程师说的。

6.The group's refusal to participate in the dotcom boom, which at the time made it appear something of a dinosaur, turned out to be a boon.在网络热潮期间,该公司拒绝参与,在当时曾显得落伍。但事实证明,这种做法成就了该公司的福气。

7.I've got to fpp over the LP on my dinosaur Victrola and go put some clothes on before someone comes to the door.我将dinosaurVictrola专辑中的唱片翻过来,并穿上了一些了衣服,然后有人走到了门前。

8.Dinosaur Park into the door on your right there is a group full of cartoon fun atmosphere of the stone is called a street.走进恐龙园大门,在您的右方有一组充满卡通气息的石屋叫作欢乐一条街。

9.One day, to spice things up, Mr Gygax turned a plastic dinosaur into a dragon and mixed in wizards and trolls among the men-at-arms.有一天,为了调节一下气氛,吉盖克斯把一只塑料恐龙演绎为一只真龙,并加入了在重骑兵队伍中游荡的巫师和巨怪。

10.The word was based, of course, on 'Godzilla', the name of a fearsome dinosaur-pke monster originally created for a Japanese film in 1954.这个词的来源自然就是“哥斯拉(Godzilla)”了,这是1954年的一部日本电影名,指的是一种长得像恐龙、阴森恐怖的怪物。