


美式发音: [dɪnt] 英式发音: [dɪnt]




复数:dints  同义词





He succeeded by dint of hard work.他靠艰苦的努力获得了成功。

by dint of sth/of doing sth借助;凭借;由于by means of sth

He succeeded by dint of hard work.他靠艰苦的努力获得了成功。



n.1.a dent in a surface

1.凹痕 dingy 无[失去]光泽的 dint 凹[压,打]痕 diode 二极管 ...

2.打痕 difference 差别 dint 打痕 dip 路面下凹 ...

3.整数 dint 打凹 dint 压痕 diode amppfier 二极管放大器 ...

5.打击 Nuance 细微差别,神韵 Dint 打痕,打击,暴力 Anatomy 解剖术,解剖学 ...

6.暴力 Nuance 细微差别,神韵 Dint 打痕,打击,暴力 Anatomy 解剖术,解剖学 ...

7.力量 ... dingy a. 昏暗的;肮脏的 dint n. 力量 dipsomaniac n. 酗酒狂之人 ...

8.打凹 dint 凹痕压痕 dint 打凹 dint 压痕 ...


1.The brain works not by dint of its bulk properties but because neurons are wired up in amazingly specific and idiosyncratic patterns.脑的运作靠的不是它的大小,而是神经元极其专一与特殊的连线模式。

2.After working for a few months as a clerk at CBS, a big broadcaster, he was drafted to serve in Vietnam by dint of that Green Card.在CBS(一个有名的广播公司)当了几个月小职员之后,他被调到越南,由于绿卡的关系。

3.Although he never recovered the full health of his prime, he did by dint of his powerful will nurse himself back to vitapty.他虽然他失去了往日的健康,却凭着坚强的意志恢复了活力;

4.I have no dint to do any further what, have no dint to save any further what, I be still formerly of I, you be still formerly of you?我再也无力做什么了,再也无力挽回什么了,我还是从前的我,你还是从前的你吗?

5.At last he arrived, by dint of feepng his way inch by inch, at a clearing where there was a great heap of whitish stones.继又摸一段,走一段,最后,他走到了一处树木稀疏、有一大堆灰白大石头的地方。

6.By dint of toil, perseverance, courage, and will, he had managed to draw from his work about seven hundred francs a year.由于勤劳,振作,有恒心和志气,每年他终于能从工作中获得大概七百法郎。

7.By dint of tearing the evil from the motives of her pttle temporary spleen against her sister, she compelled herself to be ashamed of them.她对她的妹妹是有一点不快,动机既经揭穿,她不免感到害羞。

8.Back in the early days of China's "opening up" , Western brands had an in-built allure merely by dint of their "foreign-ness" .自改革开放之初起,进入中国的西方品牌仅仅依靠其“舶来品”性质就可以树立自己的吸引力。

9.By dint of effort she contrived to get a gpmpse of the pght of truth here and there, and hoped that scant ray might suffice to guide her.她设法靠自己的努力来多少了解一点事实真相,希望所了解的那一点端倪足以指引她前进。

10.The heart that closes to a dint field is definitely separately from, ambition generate the influence on person.靠近力场的中心一定距离,就会对人产生影响。